January Challenge: Retool Resolution Roundtable

To kick things off for the year, let’s embark on our first Challenge of 2024 together! (See more context about what’s to come in our Welcome to 2024 post!)

This year, we’re looking forward to launching more exciting challenges in this forum. Through Challenges, we aim to encourage things like:

  • learning
  • sharing knowledge
  • challenging ourselves to problem-solve
  • recognizing folks for the time they spend here and the gifts (of knowledge, creative solutions, empathy, and cool Retool-related inspiration) they offer here
  • and just having fun together!

So this month, during our Retool Resolution Roundtable challenge, we’ll be recognizing all community members who provide at least 3 verified solutions to other forum questions between January 8 - February 9!

This is a different kind of "New Year's Resolution" - the type of Resolution that happens when we collaboratively share Retool-related Solutions here on the forum :grin:

Why focus on solutions?

  • When you share your Retool expertise to resolve another community member’s question, you not only help the person who posted the question, but hundreds of builders who will see your solution in this public, searchable forum going forward!
  • If just 1 out of every 3 monthly active members of this community forum contributed 1 solution to a forum topic per month, that would solve all of the questions created here each month. (The activity! The “aha” moments! The gratitude, unblocked technical hurdles, and community vibes! So many timely, useful learning moments captured and searchable going forward!) We want to recognize our growing group of folks who regularly solve fellow builders’ questions :tada:
  • With the idea of this event as a “Roundtable” of many contributors, we’re excited to recognize a wide pool of folks who share a handful of solutions, rather than solely focus on the top 3 who share the relative top number of solutions.

The Challenge levels:

The Community Contributor award:

  • For all community members who provide between 3-4 marked solutions, posted on any forum thread between January 8-Feb 9th.
  • Receive a custom Community Contributor badge honoring your contributions this month, and we’ll give you a shoutout!

The Hat Tip award:

  • For all community members who provide between 5-9 marked solutions, posted on any forum thread between January 8-Feb 9th.
  • Receive $200 in Retool credits*, a custom Hat Tip enamel pin in the mail, and a custom Hat Tip badge here in the forum!

The ToolTip Tactician award:

  • For all community members who provide between 10-14 marked solutions, posted on any forum thread between January 8-Feb 9th.
  • Receive $500 in Retool credits*, a (surprise) Retool swag item, and a ToolTip Tactician badge here in the forum!

The Golden Giver award:

  • For all community members who provide at least 15 marked solutions, posted on any forum thread between January 8-Feb 9th.
  • Receive $1000 in Retool credits*, a custom plaque commemorating one of your forum comments, and a Golden Giver badge here in the forum! We may throw in some swag too :slight_smile:

*credits expire in 1 year on Feb 12, 2025. Credit prize can be applied to the Team or Business plan purchased self-service via credit card. Alternative prize available if credits aren’t applicable.

The Community Builder of the month:

  • Each month, and of course continuing this month, we're keeping an eye out for community builders who embody the kind of empathy, collaborative problem-solving, and learning our community is all about. We want to recognize you for the way you show up to our community!

Looking forward to seeing your collaboration and Re-Solutions on the forums this month!



Ok community members, we're just over one week into this Resolution Roundtable Challenge and we've seen an exciting flurry of activity across the forums!

It's been really cool to see a lot of you working together this past week, where sometimes 2-3 community members at a time are collaborating and sharing ideas to help move forward to resolution on a single topic! Awesome collaborative vibes, driving toward useful answers for folks who are looking to get unblocked. :tada:

:drum: :drum: :drum:

Check it out - below are the current standings showing Solutions (verified by our team) contributed by each person who's shared at least 2 verified Solutions so far since we kicked off this challenge Jan 8th!

Thanks to all of the whopping 45 total @Resolution_Roundtable_Participants for taking the time to share knowledge with others here in the forums since Jan 8th!

And we're just getting started with our resolution roundtable effort here. Can we top our monthly high of 99 total community Solution contributors from November by February 9th?!

giphy (4)

Just a solution or two from each community member (even if you figured out your own question and shared the solution back here!) contributes to our forum becoming as useful, active, and accessible as possible, with answers searchable for thousands of people and years to come!


Hi everyone!

We're at Day 19 out of 33 of this Challenge. So 14 days to go!!

The collaboration toward resolution continues :handshake: Thank you all for the time you've spent helping each other learn! :brain:

Midway Checkpoint: Resolution Roundtable Standings

Take a peek at these amazing standings, with 2 full weeks left to go to join the Roundtable and progress through the tiers of Resolution recognition :slight_smile:

Excellent participation from a broad group of community members!

  • :bangbang: An additional 65 people contributed 1 Solution since Jan 8th.
  • :rocket: In total, compared to 45 total community solution contributors ten days ago, we now have 74 folks who have shared at least 1 Solution since Jan 8th!

How does this compare?

As a comparison, in our 2 top most active months in the past, August 2023 and November 2023:

  • From August 8-26, 2023, we had 42 total solution contributors and only 9 who contributed 2 Solutions or more.
  • From November 8-26, 2023, we had 72 total solution contributors and 14 who contributed 2 Solutions or more.
  • This month, Jan 8-26, 2024 we've had 74 total solution contributors, and 19 who've contributed 2 Solutions or more! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

:speech_balloon: Fun fact: during all of January (1st-26th), we've had 85 different community members share at least 1 marked Solution :white_check_mark:

  • If in the next 5 days, 15 different people contribute a marked Solution who haven't yet shared one this month, we'll surpass our all time high of 99 solution contributors per month back in November.
  • Given that in the past 10 days, 29 additional people each contributed a solution, I'd say this is doable!

Onward and upward!

@Resolution_Roundtable_Participants Let's continue encouraging each other to share solutions to open forum threads, especially folks that haven't yet had a solution marked this month! Just one solution can help so many Retool builders learn going forward.

Team work makes the dream work, after all :sparkles:


Hey everyone! I'm here with a final announcement rounding out our Retool Resolution Roundtable. And happy Valentine's Day! Seems fitting to share our appreciation and love for this growing community today :heart_decoration:

First, a drumroll before I announce the members of our Retool Resolution Roundtable, comprised of problem-solvers and learning facilitators who contributed more than 3 solutions since January 8th!

Retool Resolution Roundtable Finalists


Congratulations to each of you! Your solutions will live on to help many a builder in the future, and we appreciate the energy and learnings you bring to our community forum :tada:

The 20 folks above can expect to see your corresponding badges assigned here in the forum by the end of this week.

For those in the Hat Tip, ToolTip Tactician, and Golden Giver tiers, stay tuned -- I'll be reaching out via DM to coordinate where to send your swag items and confirm which account to apply Retool credits to.

AND a huge shoutout and thank you to the 83 other contributors who shared at least 1-2 solutions here in the forum! @Resolution_Roundtable_Participants you all help build this community to help each other learn.

Community Builder of the Month

There are so many here in the forum who show genuine care when helping others learn and find solutions to hurdles when building in Retool.

Over the past month or so, @bobthebear has truly stood out! Your comments often convey that you're focused on helping others learn, and your replies give off an approachable and friendly vibe. You often collaborate on the same thread with other solution contributors like @Oscar_Ortega @dcartlidge @ScottR and others, building crucial steps toward a solution, helping gather details, or sharing a quick take that progresses the topic even if you're not the one who ultimately posts the final solution.

Some of our favorite bobthebear comments that demonstrate the kind of collaboration and learning we want this community to continue to be all about:

  • Explaining the 'why' behind your suggestions, like how you approach using transformers in Retool
  • Sharing the pro's and con's of a suggested solution
  • Sharing a friendly note to let someone know you're available to help them understand a query
  • Encouraging forum norms like marking solutions
  • Overall being super humble in every comment and showing others that you're continuously learning new things too, creating a supportive environment. There are too many examples of this to pick just one!

Not only that, you've shared great ideas and feedback with our team of Community Support Engineers at Retool on how we can improve the overall forum experience(as just one example: More badges to earn please? which contributed to the prizes included in this challenge, and will keep shaping our future badge creation and programming this year).

Congratulations, @bobthebear, on earning the Community Builder award :building_construction: :hammer_and_wrench: :teacher: :handshake: :pray: :heart: We're grateful that you're part of this community! A special Community Builder badge is coming your way.

Live footage of @bobthebear helping forum friends forage for a solution:

What's next?

As mentioned in our 'Welcome to 2024' topic, we'll be running more frequent Challenges of all kinds this year. Currently, we have one happening now that Tess announced here:
🤖 👋 February Challenge: Sh[AI]ring what you’re building with AI! :sparkles: :brain:

Please do ^check it out^ and consider contributing! Share any Feature Requests or Community Show & Tell entries here in the fofum with the ai tag. Could be about how you've used AI with Retool so far -- including our lower-lift features, like Ask AI. Did Ask AI help you out with some tricky syntax? Tell us about it!

Looking forward to hearing what you're learning and what additional AI features you want to see :mag_right:

Again, well done everyone on our first challenge of the year!


omg no way!!!!!! howd you sneak up on me to get that live footage??!!!! :rofl::joy: but ya, I really appreciate this! Hopefully this shows there are people, not just me, that are willing to take the time and explain answers/solutions in a way to help teach the product as well as the thought process and problem solving skills. with a bit of luck we can help emboldened others to post questions they thought were too simple or not worth the time asking to do so.

Its a win-win for us, we get to learn certain intricacies of Retool by understanding the situation while finding a solution and we empower others with the knowledge to do better than us and hopefully teach us in turn later on.

tldr; to my fellow introverts, please always feel free to send a regular (from the names listed above or one you recognize) a DM or simply tag us in a post. We'll let you know if we can help or point you in the right direction.


Congrats @bobthebear - Well deserved! You're spot-on with this comment - helping answer questions is one of the best ways to learn Retool.

Also shoutout :mega: to @dcartlidge for 37 solutions in a month :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:. More than one solution per day of the challenge including weekends is unreal! :clap:

What a fun community to be a part of!