May Challenge: Recognizing our Hive Mind with a spotlight on ToolTips

For our next challenge, let’s embark on a healthy competition and celebrate multiple types of engagement here in the forum!

At the risk of taking a theme / metaphor too far, given that it’s World Bee Day this month (on May 20th), let’s celebrate the buzzing knowledge-sharing “hive mind” of this community with a variety of different awards for the many types of participation that make this community as sweet as honey. After all, bees are builders too! (Or, maybe I ran out of theme ideas and went with Oprah's approach :grin: )

What will this challenge focus on? As some of you may know, we have a points-system for recognition called Tooltips. We’ll base our challenge on participation actions that also earn you ToolTips added to your profile, accumulated throughout all time. For the next 25 days, we invite you to pick one or more of the below accolades you’d like to aim for! At the end of the month, we’ll grant badges associated with each honor, and give you a shout out here for all to appreciate! We’ll also send you swag if you earn any of these :slightly_smiling_face:

When? This challenge runs May 6-31 (yes, any Tooltips earned yesterday and today already count!).

Who? Anyone with a Retool community forum login can participate! :sparkles: :honeybee: :Throughout the month, keep an eye on this May Challenge Leaderboard for the latest buzz and to see your fellow hive builders' progress! :honeybee: :sparkles: (also linking Global Leaderboard for reference)

Shoutout to @pyrrho who is already at the top spot this week, @bobthebear in second place, and @Cole_Diffin in third!

How? :hammer_and_wrench: Check out how the system works and what earns points!

Biggest ToolTip Leap (aka Buzz Lightyear)

For the person who increased their ToolTips score by the most points May 6-31 (this will be the top ToolTips earner on our May Challenge Leaderboard).

Top 3 ToolTips Earners of all Time (aka Queen Bees)

This one's for folks who’ve been :goat: Retool Community Forum members for awhile - we’d like to recognize the folks who’ve have held onto the top 3 on the global leaderboard even with recent upticks in community forum participation. Or, perhaps newer users can catch up to the top 3? We’ll see!

Top Ten ToolTips Earners In 4 weeks May 6-31 (aka Forager Bees)

Make the top ten on this scoped 4 week long leaderboard, representing all sorts of engagement actions you’re taking here in the forum. See the many ways to earn ToolTips!

Most Solutions Shared (aka Hive Mind)

A Marked Solution is one of the biggest-impact ways to earn ToolTips, and – equally if not more important – give a gift of knowledge to this community of current and future Retool builders! One verified solution marked with a :white_check_mark: earns 10 ToolTips points for its author.

Most Likes Received (aka The Bee’s Knees)

Share a particularly useful solution or workaround, or Community Show + Tell post that makes members of the community want to give it a like!

Most Liked Community Show + Tell Post (aka Architect Bee)

We love seeing you all share creatively architected solutions, or tidbits of building expertise showcased in a specific use case in the Community Show & Tell Category!

Tips for high quality Community Show + Tell Posts:

  • Artifacts: include a demo via a Loom video, screenshots, code snippets, and/or json exports so that folks can easily digest your content or even take action to build with your example themselves!

  • Tell a bit of a narrative around why this is impactful to your business / a particular industry or use case.

  • What else do you want to explore or encourage others to share on this topic going forward? Share next steps and/or a question or invitation to discuss a topic.

:honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee: Let the Challenge Bee-gin! :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee:

Alright, Retool Community Hive of Retool Builders, let’s do this!

cc @April-Solution-Hunt-Participants in case you'd like to continue momentum from last month's challenge!


Hey all! We're now just over 7 days into the challenge, with a lot of exciting activity in each of the participation dimensions we're highlighting this month :tada:


Here are our current top 10 on the leaderboard since May 6th!

As a refresher, here's how the system works and what earns points!

Biggest ToolTip Leap (aka Buzz Lightyear)

Currently, @trz-justin-dev is in the lead for the Biggest ToolTip Leap (aka Buzz Lightyear) badge, followed by @MiguelOrtiz and @bobthebear! :rocket:

Top Ten ToolTips Earners In 4 weeks May 6-31 (aka Forager Bees)

Congrats @pyrrho @jg80 @Thore @brocantcode @Steven_W @jonnilundy @abusedmedia for making the top 10 on the forum participation leaderboard based on week 1 of this challenge! :keycap_ten:

All of these folks are in the running for the Top Ten ToolTips Earners In 4 weeks May 6-31 (aka Forager Bees) badge :honeybee:

Top 3 ToolTips Earners of all Time (aka Queen Bees)

@ScottR @bradlymathews @AnsonHwang remain the top 3 on our global leaderboard for all time, holding onto the running for the Top 3 ToolTips Earners of all Time (aka Queen Bees) badge :hammer_and_wrench: :crown:

Most Solutions Shared (aka Hive Mind)

For this badge, right now we have @pyrrho in the lead with 8 solutions marked this past week :white_check_mark: and the following folks with 2 or more solutions each :clap: @MiguelOrtiz@jg80 @bobthebear @kschirrmacher @abusedmedia @ScottR @brocantcode @MikeCB @matthewej @trz-justin-dev @benvalerian-- thank you all for generously sharing knowledge back with the community! :brain:

Most Likes Received (aka The Bee’s Knees)

Based on week 1 we currently have a comment by @jg80 at the top with 6 likes on this heartwarming topic: Creating a 9 box in retool . @jg80 took the time to deep dive and show how a specific use case could be built on Retool, explaining each step and code snippet, in an upbeat and encouraging way! :heavy_heart_exclamation: Great to see @MiguelOrtiz also expressed gratitude and positive feedback right below! :handshake: That comment itself is also currently one of the most-liked this past week!

Most Liked Community Show + Tell Post (aka Architect Bee)

We've only had a couple of topics created so far, so if folks are interested to share an interesting use case you've built in Retool, please do share! :slight_smile: :popcorn: Looking forward to reading and learning!


Hey all! We're over halfway into the challenge! Did anyone get outside and see some bees this week, given Monday was World Bee Day? :grin: Before we get on with the challenge progress update, here's some bee content!

Pollinator on rose, Silicon Valley. Circa 6th World Bee Day, 7 years after Retool was founded, 5 years after Retool Community Forum was founded.

:bulb: Fun fact - the timeline for the inaugural World Bee Day happens to be a similar timeline to Retool's beginnings as a company!

:honeybee: 2017 – UN General Assembly unanimously proclaimed 20 May as World Bee Day.
:hammer_and_wrench: June 2017 - Retool was founded by David Hsu and Anthony Guo.
:honeybee: 20 May 2018 – First Observance of World Bee Day.
:hammer_and_wrench: June 2018 - Retool reaches its first year as a company :hammer_and_wrench:
:hammer_and_wrench: :palms_up_together: May 2019 – The Retool Community Forum is created. Also, the world celebrates the second World Bee Day. :honeybee:

Now you know! :joy:

Moving on...

Here are our current top 10 on the leaderboard since May 6th!

As a refresher, here's how the system works and what earns points!

Biggest ToolTip Leap (aka Buzz Lightyear)

@trz-justin-dev holds onto the lead for this badge, followed by @MiguelOrtiz and @jg80! :rocket: @pyrrho and @bobthebear are solidly in the top five and could be contenders for the top buzz lightyear spot with 9 days left in the challenge!

Top Ten ToolTips Earners In 4 weeks May 6-31 (aka Forager Bees)

Congrats to the above named folks plus @Thore @Milan_Kalem @abusedmedia @MikeCB @Steven_W for making the top 10 on the forum participation leaderboard based on weeks 1-2 of this challenge! :keycap_ten: You're all in the running for this badge :honeybee:

Top 3 ToolTips Earners of all Time (aka Queen Bees)

@ScottR @bradlymathews @AnsonHwang remain the top 3 on our global leaderboard for all time :hammer_and_wrench: :crown:

Most Solutions Shared (aka Hive Mind)

For this badge, right now we have @pyrrho in the lead with 17 solutions marked :white_check_mark: and the following folks with 2 or more solutions each :clap: @MiguelOrtiz@jg80 @trz-justin-dev @abusedmedia @MikeCB @bobthebear @Milan_Kalem @kschirrmacher @brocantcode @ScottR @matthewej @Thore @jonas_09 @avr @Nicholas_Canfield @benvalerian-- thank you all for generously sharing knowledge back with the community! :brain:

Most Likes Received (aka The Bee’s Knees)

We've seen two other comments crop up with 5 likes each:

  • @bobthebear with a popular (based on the likes!) feature request: Add 'Referenced In' Property
  • @Bongi_Fleischer helped the community by reporting an issue, consolidating customers' reports and allowing a centralized place for Retool to also share updates in a searchable place for anyone experiencing the same thing.

I really like how these three top-liked comments so far showcase 3 different kinds of community engagement which are each important! One was about learning/knowledge-sharing and collaborating amongst folks with different Retool familiarity levels, one was a feature request to improve the experience of building/maintaining Retool apps, and the third surfaced an unexpected change that impacted multiple users for consolidated information sharing about its impact and path to resolution. Ideally the third doesn't need to happen often, but when it does we appreciate everyone's dedication to sharing information toward resolution.

Thank you all for your part in contributing to these types of collaboration here!

Most Liked Community Show + Tell Post (aka Architect Bee)

Keep your use case show-and-tell posts coming in the Community Show & Tell category! The field is still open for this badge. :popcorn: Looking forward to reading and learning!


Keep it up fellow worker bees! There may be some sweet swag in your future like I got from last month's challenge!

Shout out to the Retool Community Support team for all their hard work!


Alright, 2 more days left in this challenge! Keep it up. Time for some last bee dances to communicate with one another before our challenge comes to a close, and we recognize some builder bees for their contributions this month!

Side note: practicing your figure-eight waggle dance to celebrate the next time you achieve a solution after working with another Retool forum contributor is highly encouraged :honeybee: :dancer: :man_dancing: Don't worry, it can be done at your desk without anyone there to see. :joy:

Here are our current top 10 on the leaderboard since May 6th!

Here's how the system works and what earns points!

Biggest ToolTip Leap (aka Buzz Lightyear)

@MiguelOrtiz is currently in the Buzz Lightyear position! :astronaut: :ringer_planet: :sparkles:

Top Ten ToolTips Earners In 4 weeks May 6-31 (aka Forager Bees)

@MiguelOrtiz @trz-justin-dev @jg80 @bobthebear @pyrrho @Milan_Kalem @Thore @MikeCB @abusedmedia @avr are in our current top 10 on the leaderboard this month! You're all in the running for this badge.

And there are a few folks close to that 10th slot -- @khill-fbmc @brocantcode @Shawn_Optipath @MFP are all within 30 Tooltip points of 10th! Thank you all for your contributions to this buzzing knowledge base recently :honeybee: :brain:

Top 3 ToolTips Earners of all Time (aka Queen Bees)

@ScottR @bradlymathews @AnsonHwang remain the top 3 on our global leaderboard for all time :hammer_and_wrench: :crown:

Most Solutions Shared (aka Hive Mind)

For this badge, @MiguelOrtiz is currently in the lead with 25 solutions! With @pyrrho @jg80 tied at 18. Truly amazing, as this is all within 24 days :star_struck:

I'd also like to celebrate the fact that we have 21 people who've contributed at least 2 solutions since May 6th, while during a similar period last month, as well as in March, we had 10 contributors with >=2 solutions!! Wooo :tada: love to see this communal increase in the number of knowledge-sharers in this space. Thank you for adding your solutions @jonas_09 @Backofficely @GuilhermeSilva @benvalerian @Nicholas_Canfield @matthewej @ellenhelena and everyone listed here!

Most Likes Received (aka The Bee’s Knees)

Do you see a comment anywhere on the forum that you want to show support and encouragement for? Go ahead and dole out your likes over the next few days if you'd like to show another post some love! Reacting to another contributor's post is a great way to encourage the types of interactions, knowledge-sharing and positive vibes you want to see more of in this community. :heart_decoration:

The top-liked post by a community member this month is actually @jg80 's above comment full of encouragement, gratitude and swag :grin: , but the earlier technical knowledge-sharing post is still next in line with 6 likes.

Most Liked Community Show + Tell Post (aka Architect Bee)

Coming up this week with 6 likes is @MiguelOrtiz 's Show-and-tell topic showcasing a super cool football Retool app :soccer: as part of a self-initiated 14 day challenge :clap: :sunglasses: Check it out here: 14 day challenge - Sportmonks

Keep your use case show-and-tell posts coming in the Community Show & Tell category! There's still time to go for this badge yourself by sharing out an interesting use case you've built with Retool, and/or showcase a fun interesting Retool-related thing you learned how to do that could benefit the community (beyond a question-and-answer type topic like we've got elsewhere on the forum). See tips above for writing a show and tell post!



And now for the final May Challenge results! For folks tagged as winners under each badge, look out for your badges to be applied here on the forum, and a message from me to coordinate sending you a bit of swag as a thank-you :slight_smile:

:drum: :drum: :drum:

Biggest ToolTip Leap (aka Buzz Lightyear) @MiguelOrtiz

@MiguelOrtiz launched into the Buzz Lightyear position during the final week of the challenge! :astronaut: :ringer_planet: :sparkles: Well done @trz-justin-dev in a close second place!

Top Ten ToolTips Earners In 4 weeks May 6-31 (aka Forager Bees)

@MiguelOrtiz @trz-justin-dev @jg80 @bobthebear @pyrrho @Milan_Kalem @MikeCB @Thore @avr @abusedmedia earned the top 10 on the May leaderboard!

These folks have earned the forager bee award. You searched for and found solutions to share with the hive all month long. Thank you for your contributions and congrats on earning this badge!

Top 3 ToolTips Earners of all Time (aka Queen Bees) @ScottR @bradlymathews @AnsonHwang

These three legends remain the top 3 on our global leaderboard for all time :hammer_and_wrench: :crown: Thank you for your long-time contributions here that live on as resources for our community!

Most Solutions Shared (aka Hive Mind) @MiguelOrtiz

@MiguelOrtiz held onto the lead with 27 solutions! Congrats on earning the hive mind badge! Your advice has percolated far into our collective knowledge base. Thank you!

We had 22 people contribute at least 2 solutions since May 6th, while during a similar period last month, as well as in March, we had 10 contributors with >=2 solutions! This ties our previous all-time high of 22 contributors of multiple solutions in November 2023.

Awesome contributions everyone, great to see more and more folks sharing knowledge in our collective Retool 'hive mind' of Retool app-building knowledge.

Most Likes Received (aka The Bee’s Knees) @jg80

Outside of show-and-tell posts, the top-liked comment by a community member this month was authored by @jg80! above comment full of encouragement, gratitude and swag :grin: , but the earlier technical knowledge-sharing post is still next in line with 6 likes.

I want to give a shoutout to a recent comment that nearly made top of the list: @trz-justin-dev 's excellent solution on this topic: onSuccess cascade does not retrieve previously id created - #2 by trz-justin-dev

Most Liked Community Show + Tell Post (aka Architect Bee) @ezerjesse

The most liked Community Show + Tell post this month was this awesome trip-planning app by @ezerjesse :oncoming_automobile: :world_map: :writing_hand:
OpenAI, MapBox & Calendar Example Thank you for showing us how to combine all of these elements into a super functional, visual and interactive dashboard for vacation-planning! Just in time for the summer months for those in the northern hemisphere :sunny: :sunglasses:

Really cool to see some of these showcases where you're using Retool for aspects of one's personal life like travel planning :world_map: and football fandom :soccer: !

Community Builder of the Month!

@pyrrho has been a consistent contributor here in our forums for some time now, and often shares information-rich comments such as this one which helped connect a specific use case with the less-well-known Color Picker component, or this one which explains a nuance of building in edit mode with 'hidden' components.

@pyrrho often engages early after a topic has been posted, and follows up until arriving at a clear and often creative solution that both the question-asker and others here in the community learn from :brain:

We've also often seen @pyrrho collaboratively chime in on threads where others have already engaged in conversation, adding tidbits of development advice, explaining the reason for asking questions to troubleshoot, and sharing illustrative code snippets to round out topics for maximum clarity! Thank you for your thoroughness in problem-solving, and your focus on clear communication and knowledge-sharing with others!

Going back 10 months, @pyrrho has consistently left at least 45 comments here in the forum per month, or more! This gift of knowledge and collaboration has also yielded 86 solutions authored by @pyrrho (including 18 during this May challenge alone), plus many more solutions that came out of collaborative discussion.

Thank you for all of these ways you've shown up for our community, always willing to have interesting and productive conversations in which everyone learns!

Community Builder badge coming right up!
Community Builders

Next up: our June Pool Party Collaboration Challenge

Speaking of collaborative problem-solving and creative app building solutions, my teammate @AbbeyHernandez recently announced our current challenge with a focus on working together as a community :handshake: Learn how to participate! :swimming_man:


congrats @pyrrho! your super clean screenshots with easy to understand (and not hand drawn :smile:) arrows, graphics and even your code always makes me jelly :saluting_face: :vulcan_salute: