For our next challenge, let’s embark on a healthy competition and celebrate multiple types of engagement here in the forum!
At the risk of taking a theme / metaphor too far, given that it’s World Bee Day this month (on May 20th), let’s celebrate the buzzing knowledge-sharing “hive mind” of this community with a variety of different awards for the many types of participation that make this community as sweet as honey. After all, bees are builders too! (Or, maybe I ran out of theme ideas and went with Oprah's approach )
What will this challenge focus on? As some of you may know, we have a points-system for recognition called Tooltips. We’ll base our challenge on participation actions that also earn you ToolTips added to your profile, accumulated throughout all time. For the next 25 days, we invite you to pick one or more of the below accolades you’d like to aim for! At the end of the month, we’ll grant badges associated with each honor, and give you a shout out here for all to appreciate! We’ll also send you swag if you earn any of these
When? This challenge runs May 6-31 (yes, any Tooltips earned yesterday and today already count!).
Who? Anyone with a Retool community forum login can participate!
:Throughout the month, keep an eye on this May Challenge Leaderboard for the latest buzz and to see your fellow hive builders' progress!
(also linking Global Leaderboard for reference)
Shoutout to @pyrrho who is already at the top spot this week, @bobthebear in second place, and @Cole_Diffin in third!
How? Check out how the system works and what earns points!
Biggest ToolTip Leap (aka Buzz Lightyear)
For the person who increased their ToolTips score by the most points May 6-31 (this will be the top ToolTips earner on our May Challenge Leaderboard).
Top 3 ToolTips Earners of all Time (aka Queen Bees)
This one's for folks who’ve been Retool Community Forum members for awhile - we’d like to recognize the folks who’ve have held onto the top 3 on the global leaderboard even with recent upticks in community forum participation. Or, perhaps newer users can catch up to the top 3? We’ll see!
Top Ten ToolTips Earners In 4 weeks May 6-31 (aka Forager Bees)
Make the top ten on this scoped 4 week long leaderboard, representing all sorts of engagement actions you’re taking here in the forum. See the many ways to earn ToolTips!
Most Solutions Shared (aka Hive Mind)
A Marked Solution is one of the biggest-impact ways to earn ToolTips, and – equally if not more important – give a gift of knowledge to this community of current and future Retool builders! One verified solution marked with a earns 10 ToolTips points for its author.
Most Likes Received (aka The Bee’s Knees)
Share a particularly useful solution or workaround, or Community Show + Tell post that makes members of the community want to give it a like!
Most Liked Community Show + Tell Post (aka Architect Bee)
We love seeing you all share creatively architected solutions, or tidbits of building expertise showcased in a specific use case in the Community Show & Tell Category!
Tips for high quality Community Show + Tell Posts:
Artifacts: include a demo via a Loom video, screenshots, code snippets, and/or json exports so that folks can easily digest your content or even take action to build with your example themselves!
Tell a bit of a narrative around why this is impactful to your business / a particular industry or use case.
What else do you want to explore or encourage others to share on this topic going forward? Share next steps and/or a question or invitation to discuss a topic.
Let the Challenge Bee-gin!

Alright, Retool Community Hive of Retool Builders, let’s do this!
cc @April-Solution-Hunt-Participants in case you'd like to continue momentum from last month's challenge!