🍎 September Retool Community Challenge: Back to School Edition📚

Hey Retool builders! :wave:

As summer winds down and we all gear up for the fall, we're excited to announce our latest community challenge: Back to School!

From September 4th to October 4th, we're inviting all of you to dive in, learn something new, and share your knowledge with fellow Retoolers in 3 focus areas:

  • learn about and start to explore building with new Retool features :sparkles:
  • learn and recognize “lightbulb moments” of insightful knowledge from your fellow collaborators :bulb:
  • learn about courses and resources from the world wide web that bolster skills that help with Retool building! :hammer_and_wrench:


:trophy: Challenge Activities and Badges

1. New Feature Explorer :mag:

Try out our latest features and share your creations in a Community Show + Tell post.

  • Check out new beta features we’ve released in recent weeks/months like the Stacks component, Timeline component, Multipage, Multiplayer, or User Tasks (currently on cloud only)!

  • To turbo-charge your learning about these features, join our Developer Day September 10th!


  • "Feature Trailblazer" :rocket:: First 10 participants to share a creation in Community Show & Tell using a newly released Retool feature

  • "Feature Fusion Master" :brain:: Most creative use of multiple new features

    • final winner(s) determined by our Community Support Eng team, but please do nominate posts you think should win this in the comments!

2. Lightbulb Moments :bulb:

React to your "aha!" moments with the 'lightbulb' emoji reaction here in the community forum. We’ve all experienced that jolt of exciting new knowledge that opens up a new world of possibilities in your Retool building process. See something groundbreaking shared by a fellow contributor? React with “bulb” :bulb: on a post to highlight the lightbulb moment and share gratitude for their insight!



  • "Illumination Artist": :mortar_board: Top 5 most insightful lightbulb moments

  • "Illumination Instigator": :candle:User who creates the most topics that lead to a “bulb” reaction - sparks questions that are illuminating for others!

  • "Bright Idea Beacon" :rotating_light:: Most helpful lightbulb moment as voted by the community (the post with the highest count of “bulb” emoji reactions!)

3. Learning Resource Roundup :books:

Share your favorite Retool learning resources in our dedicated Discussion topic. Help fellow builders level up their skills! What’s worked for you to bolster your skills that translate well to building in Retool?


  • "Resource Source-er-er" :magic_wand: :open_book:: Top 3 most comprehensive resource lists

  • "Tutorial Trendsetter" :movie_camera:: Most unique or unexpected learning resource shared

  • "Learning Lifeline" :sos:: Resource that directly helps solve a common community pain point

:star2: How to Participate

  1. Dive into the new features and start building!

  2. Share your creations, insights, and resources in the community forum:

    • Community Show & Tell for sharing what you’ve build with new features, Discussion for skill-building resource sharing, and any topic for reacting with a :bulb: to shine a light on a lightbulb moment!
  3. Engage with other participants - ask questions, offer feedback, and celebrate wins together.

  4. Keep an eye out for comments here sharing progress toward badges throughout the challenge.

Remember, it's not just about winning badges - it's about growing and learning together as a community. Every contribution, big or small, helps all of us become better Retool builders and grow our expertise! :brain:

So, are you ready to sharpen your pencils (or keyboards) and jump into this Back to School challenge? Let's see what we can learn and create together! :pencil2: :keyboard: :computer:

Happy building! :rocket::hammer_and_wrench:


Hi Retool builders, learners and fellow community members :wave:

Hope you're having a nice September! In some parts of the world, students are just settling in to the new school year, or in the southern hemisphere, perhaps making a final push toward the end of the school year.

No matter what phase of life or calendar cadence we're on, we are all learning every day! And we're certainly learning when we're building cool new things in Retool! :hammer_and_wrench: :brain:

A new way to learn Retool skills!

For those of you who enjoy learning in a slightly more structured way, while still at your own pace at your own computer, check out Retool University which we've recently launched. It offers a variety of options to choose your own path to augment and grow your Retool skills!

Have a breakthrough learning moment unlocking some Retool functionality after taking a Retool University course? Share a Community Show & Tell - Retool Forum post about it! This can count for the above New Feature Explorer badge :grin:

Lightbulb learning moments across the community

:bulb: @khill-fbmc enlightened us by amplifying that the State tab in the editor can be used to see which queries a particular query updates, and which queries it is controlled by! Kudos to @avr and @RicardaBSR for giving a :bulb: reaction to share gratitude for this awesome nugget of knowledge!

:bulb: My teammate @Tess marked this lightbulb moment where @khill-fbmc shared how one could use additionalScope to configure event handlers for multiple selected components!

:bulb: @pyrrho shared a super well-crafted post on @KAR 's question about a Workflows loop block error. Thank you @KAR for posting your question (and sharing the feedback about the mention of 'beta' in docs), and thanks @pyrrho for the answer as I'm sure many builders will find this useful going forward! @pyrrho explained specifically how to shift:

:bulb: @AJVancattenburch shared sage advice on how to Maintain custom CSS styles on components through feature updates, etc . @MiguelOrtiz shone a light on the Show & Tell topic while asking how it could apply to sub-elements of components, e.g. the toolbar buttons within a table. Check out the detailed how-to steps and concept explanations. Thank you both - I learned more about CSS myself!

:bulb: Our very own Head of Developer Relations @episod shared out a way to Make a custom Chrome app for each of your Retool orgs so you can keep your work/Retool focused space in one designated area! Thanks @MiguelOrtiz and @Tess for giving a :bulb: to shine a light on this productivity/peace of mind tip! :smiling_face:

Collective learning favorites

Head on over to this Discussion topic: Learning Resource Roundup 📚 , and add your own favorite way to learn new topics! Let your fellow community members in on your learning recommendations! :hugs:

It can be a one-sentence comment about your favorite online course, or a few bullets on your process for getting started learning something new... Or any other Learning related resources you think the community should know about! :books:

Looking forward to learning alongside you!