πŸŽƒπŸ† October ToolTips roundup πŸ†πŸŽƒ

:tada: ToolTips Top Ten

We want to extend our gratitude to all of our community contributors and to those who use their time to help and interact with other users.

For our first ever ToolTips Top Ten (now say that 10 times fast), we’ll be highlighting the ten users who have earned the most ToolTips from Oct 1 to Oct 31. As a quick reminder, you can earn ToolTips by replying to topics, liking posts, getting a reply marked as a solution, and so on. You can learn more about our ToolTips system here. Check out our global leaderboard to see your ToolTips throughout all of time, from the past week, past month etc.

Drum roll please :drum:...

Thank you to :1st_place_medal: @ScottR, :2nd_place_medal: @AnsonHwang, :3rd_place_medal: @matth, @PatrickMast, @agaitan026, @mbruijnpff, @pyrrho, @abusedmedia, @edurmush, and @yourbudweiser for your invaluable contributions to the Retool Community. It’s been a delight to see your usernames brightening up our forums!

:trophy: Special Highlight: @PatrickMast, our Community Builder of the month

Next, we want to take a moment to highlight @PatrickMast, who is not only a part of our top 10 list, but also an outstanding builder and a crucial part of the Retool Community. Patrick has stood out for being friendly (can't have a Patrick post without a ":grinning:") , detailed, and incredibly responsive.

Not only does he help users solve their issues, he also takes the time to teach while answering and post clarifying questions and kudos. He has been an especially welcoming presence for new Retool users and Retool employees that aren't frequent flyers of the forum.

Thank you, Patrick, for embodying the spirit of Retool's communityβ€”we're grateful to have you.

:wave: Fin

Thank you again to our October ToolTips Top Ten and to everyone else for reading, posting, liking and just being here. We wouldn’t have a community without you all! See you around the forums and at our next ToolTips roundup. :saluting_face:


thank you all :slight_smile: this is a great community and its growing a lot every second !


Felling humbled..




I also want to mention Scott who has helped me so many times. I am glad he got first prize this month.


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Hey Mike,

Sure!! @ScottR is awesome!
It's not a competition, we are all here to help each other!

