β˜ƒοΈπŸ† December ToolTips roundup πŸ†β˜ƒοΈ

:tada: Top Ten

We're back! We hope y'all had restful breaks :slight_smile: I got to see all my family from Brazil and Indonesia, eat so many cocktail shrimp, and no one fought with each other (big win). Now that we're all back, we want to recognize our users that have earned the most ToolTips from Dec 1 to Dec 31. You can learn more about our ToolTips system here and check out our global leaderboard to see your ToolTips throughout all of time, from the past week, past month etc.

Drumroll please...

Thank you to :1st_place_medal: @Oscar_Ortega (537 ToolTips in 1 month is unreal), :2nd_place_medal: @bobthebear (it's been an honor reading your posts and getting to learn from you), :3rd_place_medal: @agaitan026 (thank you for being here a full year now and for all of the discussions you lead), @ScottR, @dcartlidge, @bradlymathews, @pyrrho, @Skizhu, @rxunique, @mdsmith1.

Thank for all for sharing so much of your time and knowledge with our Community. :heart:

:star2: Special Highlight: @preshetin, Community Builder of the Month

When we came back from break, we noticed a new name posting solutions and helpful messages. Peter, your replies are friendly, thorough and timely. Here are some of my favorites (it was hard to pick):

  • Your attention to detail led you to quickly answering a question with a few clear fixes (with screenshots and everything :heart_eyes:).
  • You and @dcartlidge (a regularly highlighted user and long time friend of the forums) worked together to answer a question, and you even made sure to recommend that the user mark a post as solution to continue helping others (a recommendation I've seen you make in other threads as well). Amazing.

:wave: What's next?

In January, we're adding something new! We worked with our Design team to create some custom swag specifically for the Community Forums and here's how you can win some. I'd say the swag is a bit more exciting than winning a :1st_place_medal: or :star2: emoji from me here. :wink:

Thank you again for being here and see y'all around!


Thanks @victoria for highlighting me! It’s been a joy helping people to use such a cool tool! :smiley:


this was a very nice surprise to wake up to! I instantly forgot it was a monday, :beers: thanks for the tag @victoria! =) looking forward to sharing and learning more from all ya'll here


:tada: :confetti_ball: :tada: