April Challenge: Retool Solutions, Existing Answer Easter Egg Hunt Edition


[Disclaimer: this is not, repeat, not an April Fools joke, despite kicking off April 1st :slightly_smiling_face:]

For those lucky enough to have participated in an easter egg hunt recently (of the IRL scavenger hunt for plastic-encased-candy or hard-boiled-and-painted variety), good news – there’s a chance to continue the fun here on the Retool Forum! If you didn’t do an easter egg hunt yet this year, like me, fear not – here’s your chance!

We’ve received positive feedback from this community around our past Solutions Challenges in August and January. We also saw that momentum led to more engagement and collaboration even after the challenge was over! SO, we’re back again with a solutions-based challenge, with exciting badges and swag on the line to earn.

The Hunt for Existing Answers

From April 1st-May 1st, we’ll not only count Marked Solutions toward earning badges, we’ll also award extra points (and more badges!) for Solutions that were powered by a link to existing community.retool.com content.

That’s the easter egg aspect: hunt for the perfect easter egg of a solution amongst existing forum topics, and share the link in response to another open question on the forum! The previous post you reference doesn’t have to be the entire solution, but if its content helped you solve the topic question, that counts for extra points. Hopefully this all leads to many topics for which we can say:
Season 2 Nbc GIF by The Office


Solutions Hatched: Keep marking Solutions with a :white_check_mark: when someone’s post solved your original question, and encourage each other to do so. See this section of Discourse’s documentation for the marked solution plugin we use, including screenshots of where to find the solution checkbox. The creator of the topic can mark a solution, and Moderators and Admins (our team) can mark solutions. We’ll count the total Solutions per contributor for the Solutions Hatched Tiers below.

Existing Answer Easter Egg Hunt: We’ll use the easter-egg-hunt tag to identify topics that contain a solution referencing an existing forum topic. If you provide a solution that references another forum topic, please add the easter-egg-hunt tag. Our team will also do our best to add the tag when we see existing solutions linked. These count for the Easter Egg Sleuth badges below.

Solutions Hatched Tiers

These tiers are for overall Solution count, whether you link to an existing answer or not. Earn the following badges!

Solution Hatchling Tier

  • You’ve hatched 3-4 solutions this month to earn the Solution Hatchling badge!

Solution Incubator Tier

  • After incubating your Retool expertise in your mind, you introduced a whole new clutch of solutions to this forum, amounting to 5-9 solutions this month! You’ve earned the Solution Incubator badge.

Solution Egg Painter Tier

  • Providing solutions to unblock your fellow community builders is your true art form – you’ve decorated between 10-14 solution eggs this month! You’ve earned the Solution Egg Painter badge.

Solution Easter Bunny Tier

  • You’ve reached mystical creature level. You’ve ‘hidden’ or really, uncovered, 15+ Solutions this month, planting them around our forum for future forum users to discover when they’re embarking on their own solution hunt! You’ve earned the Solution Easter Bunny badge. We’ll throw in some Retool swag for those who reach this level!

Existing Answer Easter Egg Hunt Tiers

In addition to your overall solution count, you have the opportunity to earn these accolades based on the count of Existing Answer Easter Eggs Surfaced, based on topics with the easter-egg-hunt tag:

Sleuth Status

  • You found and linked existing answers that led to at least 3 Solutions. You’ve earned the sleuth status badge!

Senior ReSearcher

  • You found and linked existing answers that led to at least 5 Solutions. You’ve earned the Senior ReSearcher badge!

Expert Solution Spy

  • You found and linked existing answers that led to at least 10 Solutions. You’ve earned the Expert (or shall we say "Eggs-pert") Solution Spy badge! We’ll throw in some Retool swag for those who reach this level!

Pointers for the Existing Answer Hunt

Use the Advanced Search option Topics (Semantic”, and include status:solved as a search term if you’d like to narrow the search to topics with a marked solution. Note, we only began marking solutions about a year ago.

:mega: Let the hunt for existing answers, and the hatching of new solutions begin! :hatching_chick:


cc @Resolution_Roundtable_Participants for visibility, since you all contributed verified solutions to our forum in January -- we invite you to join this month's challenge! :hatching_chick: :mag:

Stay tuned for weekly updates throughout this month.

Hi folks! We're 10 days into the challenge, and already 49 unique contributors have offered at least 1 Marked Solution! Thank you for sharing knowledge with each other, and keep it up, y'all!

To check out the posts so far that have identified Existing Answers in our existing answer easter egg hunt, check out the posts tagged with easter-egg-hunt!

  • Thank you @APD and @jg80 for helping the community by sharing solutions that reference existing content on the community forum :rocket: :books: :brain:

There's still just under 3 weeks left in this challenge. Thanks for participating in the hunt for solutions and existing answers! :hugs:

Hi folks! Back with another update, some shoutouts, and encouragement to finish out this month's challenge strong!

Solutions Hatched

Together we've widened the circle of participants from 49 unique contributors 2 weeks ago to 91 contributors who've offered >= 1 Marked Solution to this community during April so far!!

Everyone in this group has shared at least 1 Solution which will live on to help countless other Retool builders: @April-Solution-Hunt-Participants :clap: Keep it up to earn the badges above :rocket:

:drum: Here are the top 14 solution contributors who've shared 2 or more solutions so far this month:

Existing Answer Hunt

To check out the posts so far that have identified Existing Answers in our existing answer easter egg hunt, check out the 18 posts tagged with easter-egg-hunt!

Kudos to @jg80 and @MiguelOrtiz who have cross-linked existing answers on the forum that led to 7 and 5 Solutions respectively so far! You've each earned both the Sleuth Status and the Senior Researcher badges :tada: Just a handful more (3 for @jg80, 5 for @MiguelOrtiz) to reach the final badge, Expert Solution Spy :male_detective:

We have 8 days left in this challenge!

Appreciate you all joining the hunt for solutions and existing answers! :hugs: Love to see all of the collaboration and learning happening here every day!


Hi All! Great news - we're extending this Challenge two more days :slightly_smiling_face: Here's where everything is currently at -- now if you'd like, give it one last push to see if you can move up one badge level by 5pm Pacific time on May 3rd :rocket: And more good news...

:mega: Amazing headline achievement: We've surpassed our previous all-time-high count of Solution Contributors per month from February (99). In the calendar month of April, we had 105 unique solution contributors, adding a fantastic 433 total accepted solutions to the forum - also an all-time high metric!

Here's our progression adding new incremental Solutions to the forum each month for the past year:

Solutions Hatched

This challenge is continuing past the end of the calendar month of April, so we've actually had 108 total participants share at least 1 Solution between April 1 through today! That's 17 more people since my last update above a week ago :tada:

Ok now for the individual progress so far during this challenge (remember, two more days to lock in final results!). Here are the top 16 solution contributors so far:

Existing Answer Hunt

To check out the posts so far that have identified Existing Answers in our existing answer easter egg hunt, check out the 26 posts tagged with easter-egg-hunt!

Since my last update, we've added 8 more topics to the existing answer easter egg hunt!

Keep it up - does a question sound familiar? Cross-link an existing topic in a reply to help arrive at a solution, and mark it with the easter-egg-hunt tag to earn one of these badges:

  • Kudos to @MiguelOrtiz who cross-linked existing answers on the forum that led to 8 Solutions so far! You've earned both the Sleuth Status and the Senior Researcher badges. 2 more existing answer links that lead to a solution and you'll earn the Expert Solution Spy badge :grin:

  • And last but not least thank you @jg80 for cross-linking existing answers that led to 7 Solutions - if you know of other Solutions that referenced existing topics, let's tag 'em! Otherwise 3 more to go for that last Expert Solution Spy badge! :tada: :male_detective:

Exciting momentum. See you back here May 6th for the final results of this challenge (April 1 - May 3)!


Alright, results are in! Thank you to all 119 @April-Solution-Hunt-Participants who shared at least 1 confirmed solution with this community between April 1st - May 3rd! Your knowledge-sharing here will benefit many many Retool builders going forward :tada: Thank you for contributing to our highest ever count of solutions AND our highest ever count of solution contributors per month during April! Appreciate all of you.

Now to celebrate our badge-winners:

:drum: :drum: :drum:

Solutions Hatched

Existing Answer Hunt

This past month in addition to recognizing total Solutions hatched, we encouraged cross-linking to existing answers on the forum to uncover easter eggs of information that could help solve more recent community questions.

Check out the 28 posts tagged with easter-egg-hunt where community members helped recent question-askers connect with existing answers here on the forum :link: :tada:

@MiguelOrtiz and @jg80 understood the assignment! :male_detective: :male_detective: They both earned all three badges available in this section of the challenge: the Sleuth Status badge, Senior Researcher badge, and Expert Solution Spy badge! :mag: Well done folks! Thank you for keeping an eye out for opportunities to surface useful explanations from elsewhere in the forum to help out your fellow community members!

We'll award each of these badges earned by end of week, and we'll be reaching out to folks to send over some earned Retool Community swag!

Us on our way to give out these awards:

Community Builder of the Month

Congrats and thank you to @kschirrmacher, who we're recognizing as this month's Community Builder!

@kschirrmacher has consistently shown up for fellow community members, offering suggestions to get unblocked and sharing empathetic, encouraging, welcoming and learning-focused comments. You play a big part in making this community collaborative, fun, and useful for your fellow Retool builders!

  • Just one example (of many!) of an empathetic comment, welcoming folks newer to a technical area like SQL!

We'll be in touch to share over some special Community Builder swag as a thank you from all of us!

What's the challenge this month?

Consider aiming for the next available badges and opportunities for recognition during our May Solution Challenge, to be announced tomorrow! :rocket:


The next challenge has bee-n officially announced! :honeybee: Excited to see this community hive continue to thrive in collaboration and knowledge-sharing! :slight_smile:

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