Welcome to 2024! It's a great time to be a Retool community member 🙂

Hi Retool builders! Happy New Year! :sparkles:

Reflecting on our growth last year

As we enter 2024 as a Retool Community, we’ve grown quite a bit! :seedling: :potted_plant: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

We saw some exciting momentum and activity here especially in the second half of last year. Just to name a few forum happenings, we launched the August Solutions Challenge, and an ongoing gamification system, plus we exchanged family recipes (h/t @bradlymathews ). In parallel, we saw the following growth in participation recently:

  • :white_check_mark: 2,673 Solutions added to the forum in 2024!
    • Huge accomplishment - as a community we added thousands of answers to Retool-related questions and technical hurdles, available for anyone to find here. Thank you for all of your contributions!
  • :hammer_and_wrench: 30% increase in Community contributors who shared at least 1 confirmed Solution during Q4 (Oct-Dec) compared to Q3 (July-Sept)
    • with a high of 99 community contributors sharing at least one confirmed Solution in November!
  • :rocket: 70% increase in Daily Engaged Users on the forum (number of users who have liked or posted in the past day), from 37 in January to 63 in November (before slight dip during December holidays):

  • :bar_chart: Steady increase in page views per week throughout Sept-Dec, toward:
    • our all-time high of 20,150 page views by logged-in users the week of Dec 11!
    • our all-time high of 100,017 anonymous page views during the week of Dec 18!

What’s next?

We continue problem-solving and learning together! Here are some of the initiatives you can look forward to seeing here in the forum throughout this year:

Homepage Highlight panels

You may have noticed the shiny new 3-panel highlight reel on the top of our community.retool.com homepage! We launched this in December (shoutout to @victoria!). Going forward, we’ll periodically pin Retool Tips & Tricks from our team, product announcements, or requests for feedback on specific features, as well as highlight some of your Community Show & Tell posts, or creative solutions to others’ questions.


As we ramp up this year, you can look forward to various creative challenges related to problem-solving, showcasing what you’ve built, or learning new things by challenging yourself to build certain use cases in Retool. Check out the first one happening this month, our Retool Resolution Roundtable Challenge!

Upcoming challenges this year may range from showcasing your favorite Custom Component you’ve built, to a ‘30 days of Retool’ type Challenge – a chance to practice various building challenges within Retool that get progressively more complex throughout the month – and more!

ToolTip Milestones

More later, but we’re very much looking forward to rewarding community members for all-time progress as you grow your individual ToolTips score. Our ToolTips gamification system tracks all kinds of participation in this forum. We look forward to creating tiers of Milestone recognition you can earn individually outside of Challenges, from badges to swag and more.


Stay tuned - we’ll be introducing custom badges this year. We plan to add more creative badges that users will be awarded for all kinds of ways of participating in the forum. Thanks @bobthebear for sharing inspiration around custom badges!

And more!

Keep your eyes peeled in our Announcements category for other updates throughout the year as we keep growing this forum to be as active, useful, and accessible as possible.

It’s going to be an exciting year. Can’t wait to see your contributions here during this month's Retool Resolution Roundtable Challenge and in future initiatives! Thanks for being here :slight_smile:

-Your friendly neighborhood Retool Community Support Eng team