Hey folks!
In the spirit of continuous learning and collaboration, your friendly neighborhood Community Support Engineers over here at Retool have been thinking it could be really cool to pool together our favorite learning resources in one place!
And so - we pose this question to the community and eagerly await your thoughts!
How have you been continuing your learning journey to build skills and understanding that helps you build in Retool?
- Favorite online course you ever took that still helps you today?
- What kinds of technical concepts or skills have you focused on developing that have been the most high-leverage when translating to building in Retool?
- JavaScript / SQL / sub-concepts of those?
- DevOps concepts for self-hosting Retool?
- Have you found resources for learning concepts and skills around the ever-evolving world of AI that have helped leverage AI features in Retool?
- Product design or project management resources that help you organize your Retool building work?
- Do you follow any cool tech blogs or other forums to learn adjacent things?
- Think outside the box - any other learning tips or resources that other community members here could benefit from hearing about?
Please share your own list of websites, online courses, meetups, or other learning resources in the comments here!
Looking forward to learning alongside you all
(We'll also cross-reference this thread for visibility in our current community challenge centered around all kinds of learning! π September Retool Community Challenge: Back to School Editionπ )