Add 'Referenced In' Property

When you try and delete an item from the Code Panel that's been referenced somewhere else you get a popup like the one below informing you of where it has been used so you can clean-up things. This seems to be the only place where this info is listed but it'd be nice to have it under the General or Advanced tab so if I do need it I don't have to pretend I'm about to delete it and risk fat-fingering something and actually deleting it on accident.



Hi @bobthebear - This is great timing! We are working on an app structure tree that will show you the link between all your queries and components in the left panel:

This tree is in the final testing phase and will be deployed very soon - keep an eye out for it on the changelog :raised_hands:

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oooooooooo!!! ahhhhhhhhh!!!! thats shiny looking, absolutely cant wait to use it! you mentioned looking out for the change log for this, does that mean we dont need to ask to have a beta or something enabled to see this?

Now THAT is the reaction we were hoping for :smiley:

If you are a cloud customer then this will be available as soon as your instance is on the version that includes the feature (you won't need to do anything - just keep an eye out on the changelog to see when this is ready).
If you are a self-hosted customer then you will need to upgrade to the version that has this feature deployed (and again: changelog will tell you when this is available) :raised_hands:

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