Users privileges

Yesterday I shared a web app with my team, during training one of them told me that the Edit button was available. Is it possible to block this edit button for them? Or modify the users privileges, so they could not access the development environment? Or is this not available for the free tier pricing?


@Roberto_Torres Got your private message - I didn't have any intentions of not providing a solution. You're the first person who has written to me to complain about how I posted a response to a question or questions. I spend a lot of time in this forum and make it a point to always help when I can. I guess my initial post failed to meet your expectations.

I assumed (incorrectly) that by reading about the pricing and features in the link I posted, it would provide an answer to your questions:
(Is it possible to block this edit button for them? Or modify the users privileges, so they could not access the development environment? Or is this not available for the free tier pricing?)
As you can see in the screenshot below an Arrow pointing to Permissions is available in the Business plan:


Thanks, @ScottR for the detailed answer, this one rocks! :metal:t3:

It solved my question. :wink: