Lightbulb Moments Spotlight
With our new reaction launched this past month, community members such as yourselves have shined a light
on many community topics, including:
New features and future product ideas!
- Announcements past and present, like New: Retool University and Announcing List View Aggregation
- Ideation on what might be possible with Workflows in the future: Build your own API - #5 by matei
Cool integrations, workarounds and showcases!
- Building a Custom Real-Time Chat Component with WebSocket using Own Custom Component
- Table Header Height and Text Wrapping
- Enabling mobile for whole page
- Geo Series: Google Maps + Driving Directions + Mapbox
- Targeting CSS attribute selectors in action: Modal frame custom size - #2 by AJVancattenburch
- Step by step Server side Pagination - #3 by ZeroCodez
- Detailed walkthrough on How to import non-UMD external javascript library using Preloaded JS - #4 by Tess
Collaboration on tougher or niche topics:
- Getting to the root of how iframes and hidden components and modules work (or why they may not work) together
- How to use Retool with Cefsharp for c# plugin - #2 by Jack_T
- Collaboration on Conditional logic in MongoDB update operations - #7 by Darren
- Using
function: Editing/deleting/adding objects stored in a user's attributes - #4 by Paulo
Thank you for warming up the forum with your lightbulb moments -- keep it up! See a bright idea? React with
to appreciate a contributor's insight whenever inspiration strikes
Stay tuned here for our final announcement recognizing badge earners from September
Meanwhile, find out what's next with our ๐ October Challenge: Fall into Community! ๐