Retool Mobile shows renamed apps under 'Recent Apps' in sidebar, and other issues

I have Retool Mobile installed on an Android device. Somehow, a very old version of an app was being shown instead of the latest version for me and another user, so I tried renaming the app a couple times to see if I could get the current version to properly appear. Renaming the app worked, and in the Home screen I now see the new app name, but under "Recent Apps" in the sidebar I see the old app names in addition to the new name. When I try to open them, I see "Invalid App Uuid" pop up in an error dialog, then a "Something went wrong (404)" message.

This could be a problem for our users. I'm also confused as to why the old version of the app was appearing in the first place, but I haven't been able to reproduce that consistently (it seemed to happen once so far post-name change, but when switching to the app with the new name, the correct views showed up again).

Tangentially, I haven't been seeing the yellow "This app has been updated" banner after altering my apps. This was showing up for us last fall. Was it removed?

Update: I have "start on most recent app" enabled. However, an old version of the app is always loading instead. I have to manually select the right app every time I launch Retool Mobile. We're on Android 11 and Retool last auto-updated on February 5th. I picked this project up again yesterday after a few months away and was not having the same issues then.

Bump... anyone out there? Any suggestions? This is happening across all of our devices, as well as my Android 15 phone. Even when I disable starting on the most recent app, the issue persists.

Hey @joshwinters! Thanks for reaching out and for your patience, as well.

I'm able to replicate this particular error when changing the name of an app and will file a ticket internally to get this fixed! I'll also ask about the update banner, as I'm not seeing that either. Thanks for flagging both those things. :+1:

Unfortunately, though, I'm not currently able to provide much insight into what might be causing the initial issue you described. I don't currently have an Android device to test with and am not seeing the same issue on iOS. It sounds like an older version of the app is being cached locally, but I'll take a deeper dive into this next week.

Thank you for the update, Darren.

Hi @Darren, has there been any movement on this? It's causing problems for our users.

Which aspect of what we discussed previously is causing problems? The artifact that remains in Recent Apps after renaming an app? Or older versions being cached and displayed?

We have a fix for the former, but it will take a week or two to push out the necessary update to all platforms. As for the latter, the team and I are still narrowing down the scope of the issue. If you notice it happening consistently or have additional context, sharing that could be very helpful!