Need Help Managing Licenses in Retool Business Plan (cloud)

Hello Retool Community,

I recently purchased a Retool business plan which includes 1 standard license and 2 end user licenses. However, I'm having trouble finding a way to manage these licenses within my account dashboard. Specifically, I can't seem to locate any options to add additional licenses for new users or to modify existing licenses.

Could someone please guide me on how to manage my licenses effectively within the Retool platform? Any tips or instructions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there @nizaeros,

So an end user will become standard user as soon as he edits any of the apps or workflows. So as long as you give them the right permission set (only view access), then they will remain as end user.

Referred link here

If you want to see how many users are being billed as standard and how many as end-users, you can go to your billing portal (settings, billing and right at the bottom) and see your invoices details.

I do agree with you that it would be nice to have a visible breakdown of how each user was considered in the past billing period, unfortunately that, to my knowledge, is not available.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for your response.

When upgrading to the Business Plan, the process seemed straightforward as it allowed me to select the desired no of licenses/type and proceed with the payment. Now, as I intend to add 4 new end user subscriptions to my existing plan, I'm unable to find a similar option to manage this within my account.

Could you provide further assistance on how I can navigate this process seamlessly?

Of course,

go to your domain.retool/settings/users and on the top right you'll see the "invite" button.

As you invite users they'll be added to your existing plan. Remember, they are added and billed as end users, but the moment they edit Retool apps or workflows they will become and be billed as standard users.

Noted. I will invite new users and assign edit or end user privileges. Now the question what is billing cycle ? How/when will I make payment for new users?

I think retool's page here is quite clear Billing and usage | Retool Docs
To see when your billing cycle starts go to your billing portal, as explained above.

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