Multiple developers using RPC

We are two developers and both of use would like to start a local RPC server while building two different Retool apps. The problem is that Retool only listens to the last started RPC server.
Would it be possible to make it more granular so that for example Retool would listen to my RPC server for a set of functions and to the other dev server for another set ?

It's challenging to me how to handle parallel development using RPC server and the documentation isn't helpful on this particular concern.

Retool RPC

Hi @harijoe:

Are you able to create different environment for each person? Or alternatively, create different RPC resources for each person (and 1 for the production service).

Thanks for the feedback by the way, we will consider exposing server version (or "channel" like in Kafka) as an option in the query builder so you can choose which connected server to send a query to.

Thanks Harry for your answer. Creating multiple environments would work but my client only needs the Team tier and AFAIK only staging and production envs are available to this tier.

About the alternate solution, considering we cannot use the multi env solution, I guess it would require when an app is ready for production to switch every RPC queries the production resource manually ? It may be a completely acceptable trade-off for now

About the alternate solution, considering we cannot use the multi env solution, I guess it would require when an app is ready for production to switch every RPC queries the production resource manually ?

@harijoe Yes, that's correct. Sorry for the inconvenience... I've take note of this request and we'll consider adding supports to make this process easier.