How to fix each column width in a table









Any news on this?

It would be great if we could set the column width (app wide) to something like this:

  • Fixed width (in px)
  • Set percentage
  • "Fit to fill" (or something similar)

Hey @UnlockAgency!

As of right now, there isn't an explicitly defined plan but the dev team is looking into different potential methods for defining column widths, including how end-users might define persistent widths for themselves.

As a side note - the bug here of column widths not filling 100% of the table is being addressed in the new version of Table that's coming.

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Noting that we've made some related updates mentioned here and here. Wanted to cross-post in case some folks here find that added functionality useful!

This thread is still tracking interest in the open feature request for user defined, persistent table column widths in the new table component. We've been noting down each +1 here on the related internal request for our eng team, so they're aware of the number of folks interested. Thanks for letting us know here that this would be useful to your Retool use cases :bowing_woman: We'll update here with anything new!



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