I found a temp hack which kind of resolves the issues untill we have an official one. This worked in my usecase, so sharing it for anyone in need.
I added this in css in App Settings > Custom CSS (replace the table name with yours)
[data-testid="RetoolGrid:tableNameGoesHere"] [data-testid="TableWrapper::ScrollableContainer"] [role="rowheader"] [data-testid^="HeaderResizer"] {
display: none !important;
Important note - please add options for (it's been asked before in the thread):
- Fixed width (in px)
- Set percentage
- "Fit to fill" (or something similar, like full expand)
- a great upgrade would be "width in characters", to cut off the tail and show (...)
This post is almost two years old. Has saving column widths been fully addressed yet? It's a pain for our users to set up their view how they like it only to lose the column widths...
Exactly! Its been 2 years and still not resolution, this is sad
The "auto-column-width mode" is helpful but does not quite solve this problem because it is not dynamic, rather it jams all of the columns into the component size based on the user's display.
For example, if I enable "expand content to fit" for the container surrounding my table, then instead of legible columns which I can view by scrolling left to right, the columns will be too very tight, if my display is not large enough for the automatic widths that the table has chosen.
The attached screenshot illustrates the issue; my context is a transposed table (time series data) that should be easily readable by the user from left to right (primary key pinned left).
Massive +1. Been struggling with this since day one
Big +1!
We're still tracking interest for the feature request and appreciate each of you for giving us valuable feedback on how we can improve Retool. All of these +1s are tracked and are valuable for our team. Thank you! I will comment here with any updates as they come
Seems like a big oversight to not be able to set any widths. The auto width feature doesnt work if the columns exceed the table size. Auto width should have another option to overflow otherwise your just cramming data.