Hi @lmonroe, circling back to let you know that 2FA page branding is now supported on Cloud! If you've set up a logo on your Settings >Branding page, the 2FA page will pull that logo. (Note Branding customizations are available on Business or Enterprise plans).
@G_Holt for your custom domain + user invites question, this forum topic looks related. In summary, the current state is that there's a way to set up emails to send from your custom domain with an Enterprise feature (Retool Events in combination with Workflows and your own email server). Otherwise, invite and password links should *default *to the custom domain when it's set (any URLs/buttons in the email content). This wasn't always the case but it was updated within the past few months. So invite emails won't be sent from your custom domain, but they'll link to the custom domain pointing to Retool. Without Retool Events, they still will be sent from email.retool.com .
Hope this adds clarity across multiple questions here!