Overcoming a conflict with custom URL, invites & google sign in

Our use case is to use retool to create an external-facing MVP for our customers to use. So I'm sending invites to customers and have the white labeling features cranked up (custom domain, most notably).

The problem I'm experiencing is that the invite email contain links that go to the retool domain. This semi-defeats the purpose of the custom domain, since the customer's first touchpoint is not on our custom domain.

But the real issue is this: Google signup is present on the retool domain version of the signup page, and I can't see a way to remove it. I've found that if a user signs up with google here, they're actually not able to sign in on the custom domain version of the sign in page later on. (No google login link, and attempts to reset password get a message that this can't be done for google users)

I think this issue could be prevented if I could stop the invite email from sending altogether, and just copy the invite link manually. However, I don't see a way to do this on the plan that I'm on. Maybe the events section could help, but that's an enterprise feature..

I feel like I must be missing something.. a button or a config somewhere.. because this makes the custom URL stuff on business plan critically flawed. (upgrade to enterprise to fix the race condition..? That can't be right..)

Apologies again if i'm making a silly mistake :man_bowing:

Hey @Tom_Elliott. Thank you so much for flagging this. I've shared this with our engineering team and they're working on setting all invite, and reset password links to default to the custom domain once it has been enabled. I'm happy to follow up when they've launched an update.

Hope you have a great week and thank you for using Retool! :raised_hands:

Looks like this has been fixed. Let me know if you're still having this issue, thanks!