Welcome to the Retool community!

The Retool community is the best place to get support, share and learn, and level up your Retool skills. Thanks for visiting! A few brief guidelines:

The community is organized into a few different categories:

  • :question: Retool Tips and Tricks for learning how to do specific things in Retool directly from our team
  • :building_construction: App Building for troubleshooting, questions, and bugs related to building Retool apps
  • :computer: Queries and resources for troubleshooting, questions, and bugs related to coding in Retool
  • :house: Self Hosted Retool for self-serve or enterprise related questions/issues
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Feature Requests to talk about what you'd like to see in the Retool product
  • :raised_hand: Community Show and Tell to share and learn about what others are building
  • :telephone_receiver: Mobile for Retool Mobile specific questions and troubleshooting
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Workflows for questions and debugging Retool Workflows
  • :globe_with_meridians: External Apps for questions on Retool Embed or Portals, use cases beyond internal tools
  • :gear: Account and User Management Great place to ask about account issues, inviting/removing users, pricing, permissions, etc
  • :studio_microphone: Discussion for general conversations. This could be a great place to get app/design feedback, seek out ideas for a specific use case or new Retool feature -- anything you're interested in collaborating on
  • :mega: Announcements to hear announcements from the Retool team

Happy posting!