Upgrading License Type?

How can I upgrade my organization's license plan type from the Teams plan to the Business plan? I sent a generic email to the support@retool.com but haven't heard anything back and wondering if I need to include further details in order for the upgrade to take place.

Thanks in advance.

I am in the same position, we have been using team with 20 users for 3 months and now want to upgrade to business. We emailed support@ a few days ago and not reply.

Hey @TedJohnson and @Nat_Morris! Have you been able to try upgrading your plan on https://my.retool.com/ > Plans and Billing? If not, do you see any specific errors or messages?

I have an organization in the free tear and want to upgrade to team.
In my account I can't seem to find a place to upgrade.
When alternatively I go to the website and follow the link on the Pricing page the form only allows me to create a new organisation, instead of using the current one I'm logged into.

I've emailed support but with no help.
Any ideas?
Thank you

Found it in Billing. Not super obvious so I leave this comment here for others in my situation. A "Plan" or "Upgrade" would work better