Updated schema coming back in the network requests but the UI doesn't update to reflect it

Continuing the discussion from "Refresh schema" button not working:

I'm having the same issue - looking at dev tools I can see the updated schema coming back in the network requests but the UI doesn't update to reflect it, even after dozens of page refreshes and messing around with my extensions.

This is actually a pretty huge inconvenience, the UI won't let me specify the table I just created for an insert statement because it doesn't think it exists (that behavior should be fixed too - just let me enter in the expression and let the DB tell me if I'm wrong, it's not the workflow editors job to say if a table exists or not) so I basically can't finish my work without figuring out some way to force the schema to actually refresh.

EDIT: just noticed that when I click the refresh button, the network call is refreshing the production environment schema - even though I'm working in staging right now. I created a new table in both prod and stage, but the UI only see's the new table in prod.


Hey @Kai_Mollerud,

I started a new thread for our conversation. Was this previously working before? Double check that the configuration of your environment resources are set up correctly. Is it possible that the table you're updating in your query is set to the production resource by mistake? If not, would you mind sending over some screenshots of your configuration.

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This actually looks like a bug in Retool. I've went ahead and filed a internal bug to fix this. I don't have a timeline for when this will be ready, but I can continue to keep you updated when it's available. Thank you for bringing this up!

Since they are a few of you being impacted by this, it would help us greatly if you could share what Retool version you are using. Thanks!