The new dynamic table row background coloring is great – I jumped on that and have already implemented it – however, wondering if the same kinda thing is possible (perhaps even already planned?) for row text color? I'm surprised that I can't find any posts in the community about this, whether requests or workarounds.
For example, gray text for discontinued items, red text for out-of-stock items, that kind of thing. Yes, can be done with the background colors, but that can quickly get rather noisy, visually.
The closest I found was this, however it's on a per-cell basis, and it seems would have to be replicated for every column (ew). If I'm missing something from somewhere else, please let me know! Thank you
Yes, unfortunately that's a bit cumbersome when there are a more than just a few columns and you want the text color consistent across the whole row – especially if there's more going on in any of the mapped values other than just that color ternary
Just curious, is there a better way to do this now? I have another column called "disabled" which is either true or false.
If it is false, I want the normal primary black text for the cell font color. If disabled == true then I would want to have the cell text color to be set to "#DCDCDC" or a similar gray to indicate that it (the entire row) has been disabled.
I found a way to do this dynamically for the row background color but I haven't found a way to do this for the cell font color yet. Thanks!
Hey @macphreak! What's the format of the column that you're trying to dynamically color? For most formats, the option to dynamically set text color should shown up in the column's "Appearance" options.