Setting up app - Retool Mobile Bug

The topic of the "Setting up app"-bug was already discussed. Unfortunately the thread is already closed. We are currently experiencing this issue every second time opening up the app. By quitting the app in the recent app-screen an reopening the app, everything works perfectly fine. As we are working with Android devices, I can not tell if the problem also occurs on iOS.

Hi @Patrik0412,

Thank you for reporting this!

We are testing out a potential fix for this error that seems to have resurfaced; could you try killing the app and restarting?

We too at experiencing this issue on Android. iOS seems to work fine. If you hit the back arrow enough to get to the Home Screen and the relaunch Retool it sits and spins saying Setting up app. You have to use the task manager and close the Retool app then reopen. It then loads as expected.

Hi @jhemmann, have you been noticing this recently or has this been always an issue? Trying to pinpoint when this may have started happening for you. Also, if you don't mind sharing your organization's name, I can look into it deeper. You can email at or DM.

Hi @Tess,

thanks for the reply.

Had the same issue a few moments ago. Could it be a problem with a weak wifi signal at a specific time and the app did not manage to handle that and properly start the application?

Best regards


Hello everyone, is anyone still experiencing issues with the Retool Mobile app loading on their device?

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We will monitor the situation and give you an update. Thanks!


No problems anymore. Thanks a lot!