Retool Mobile App Not Displaying Any Content, Works on Desktop

  • My Retool app was working fine until today, but now it displays nothing on mobile (both tablets and phones). However, it still works properly on desktop.

Steps I’ve Taken:

  • Tested multiple devices (phones and tablets) — all show a blank screen.
  • Desktop version works as expected.

Any ideas on what might be causing this issue?

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Im facing this exact issue right now, on multiple apps, the common thing in my case is that content that is hidden using the localStorage variable is misbehaving.

Hi @sergiofra98, could you share the value for the hidden property you are using localStorage to set dynamically?

sure, in our apps the user enters an unique token to identify themselves with our internal systems, once a token is entered, we decode it in our backend and return an userId, thats stored in the localStorage as registeredUserId. We then use {{ !localStorage.values?.registeredUserId }} to hide components and disable queries if no token is presented. The value stored in registeredUserId is a string of an UUID.

Thank you for expanding on it. Just to confirm, this was working previously and now it's failing, correct?

correct, it started failing at around 4 pm utc-5

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Our team has also flagged this issue internally, and is currently blocking our bug reporting :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Any workarounds or temporary fixes would be greatly appreciated!

We were able to reproduce this on our end and just released a fix for it. Do you mind closing the Retool mobile app and opening it again?

Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.

Fixed on my end!

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Thank you so much for the speedy fix @Paulo! Much appreciated!

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You are welcome, and thank you for surfacing it!

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Its working on my end too, thanks man

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