Retool bug: handlers vanishing from row actions

I'm losing patience with a critical bug in Retool. For the THIRD time in two days, after saving and closing the editor, ALL Handle Events linked to Row Action buttons in my table have disappeared. Gone. Vanished. Zero.

This means I have to rebuild the entire event logic every time. If a low-code/no-code tool can’t guarantee event persistence after saving, how can it be trusted in production?

Retool, fix this bug immediately. Anyone else experiencing the same issue?

Contact Retool Support

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Yes! I thought it was me being tired and mistakenly deleting handle events. This morning making a demo to a client one table was not triggering anything and I 'm sure I haven't made any edits to that app in the past week.

So definitely something happening which is causing lots of disruption and terrible customer experience.

Hi @Niccolo_Calandri and @MiguelOrtiz ,

Thanks for bringing this up and we apologize for the disruption! The team is aware of the issue and is looking into it -- we'll post back here with updates.

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Hi everyone -- thanks for your patience! This issue should be fixed now.

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