Public Apps not Working

Current plan level: Business
Monthly/Annual (if Team or Business): Annual
Version of Retool (if self-hosted):current

Question / Description: Public Apps have stopped working for us as of less than hour ago. Public users who try reaching the public app without being logged in to retool are then brought to our domain login screen.

Hey @Daniel_Fleuranvil :wave: Are you seeing this for all public apps or a couple in particular?

Just to confirm as well - are you on cloud or self-hosting?

We did reproduce this on our end and it should now be fixed, let us know if that's not the case!

Yes, this worked! Thank you!

I thought these issues were related due to the timing, but right before this occurred, we also noticed that custom components weren't displaying for public apps but were working normally. The page's console was giving this error and this is still occuring.

We are still unable to load custom components in public apps. It is still printing in the error log that the "App ID in your code snippet has not been set. Set it to your App ID found in settings to complete installation."

Hey Daniel, unfortunately today custom components aren't supported in public apps. We're shipping support for that in the near-term though.