Multi-level table (select row, expand child object)

those are all great notes @w2go! will follow-up when those are implemented :slight_smile:


Thanks, Sent.

Thanks Alexi. Got quickly excited about the new stuff and forget about managing expectations.
2 features so far I would like to see in grouping:

  1. aggregated measures i.e. grouping is nice but being able to add sum, count, ... on multiple columns gives important information to the user e.g. is it relevant and worth expanding. Like SQL (AlaSQL ?) There is a lot of wasted screen estate without that.
  2. group by multiple columns
  1. agree! we will definitely prioritize aggregation features
  2. you should already be able to group by multiple columns. the "Group rows by" List editor supports adding an arbitrary number of columns, and the order determines how the groups should be nested. can you clarify the issue you're facing?

Hi Retool team,

Just to clarify there isn't a built-in feature at the moment where I can have all the groups expanded by default or even expanded per group?

Not yet @Daniel_Man, but it is on the radar!

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@Kabirdas thanks for the clarification, please keep me updated when this is implemented, thanks.


Hi @yiga2! Just wanted to follow up and let you know that we've officially launched aggregation. You can read about it here.

@andoliveyou - Do we have a way to sort our data by an aggregated value? Or to at least to Group by one term, and then sort it by an associated value?

@skyler, unfortunately, there is no way to sort by aggregated value at this time. I don't think I understand what you mean by "Or to at least to Group by one term, and then sort it by an associated value?" Can you give an example?

@andoliveyou, thanks for letting me know. Hopefully sorting (and nested sorting for that matter) by aggregated values is something we'll see in the future.

Regarding the Group by one term (or value) and then sort it by an associated value question. In the primary table, we (and all our customers) use, we have a calculated aggregated value that we sort by.

e.g., we have

  • Section
  • Variant
  • Variant Volume
  • Section Volume

Every variant belongs to a Section and the Section Volume is the aggregated value of the Variant Volume for all Variants in the Section. The data is sorted using nested filters to keep everything grouped together. With the first sort being by Section Volume.

Hope that made sense. :sweat_smile:

Here with an update - @Alexi shipped the following update in the latest Cloud release, 3.25.0, to add the option "Expand grouped rows by default."

We're still tracking requests for more customization on expanding groups, but hopefully this helps for the time being!


Hey @bradlymathews ! quick question... did you find a solution for the repeated values on the grouped columns? I´m experiecing the same issue and cant find the solution!

They added this to the component, so the grouped row now stays visible along with it aggregate values.


Any update on the option for end users to configure groups (with a button or programmatically)?

@shaya im actually working on this now! should be something out next week :slight_smile:

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Sorry, neglected to update here!

Now live on cloud we have support for:

  • Programmatically updating Table's grouping through a setGrouping API. Example usages:
table1.setGrouping(['role', 'enabled'])
table1.setGrouping({ columnId: 'role', sortDirection: 'desc' })
table1.setGrouping([{ columnId: 'role', sortDirection: 'asc' }, { columnId: 'enabled', sortDirection: 'desc' }])
  • A native UI for end-users to configure grouping and multi-column sorting. You can add these buttons from Table's Toolbar editor!

Happy building!


Very good work.

Hi @Alexi and Retool Team, new to the forums here -
Is there any update on your point 4 here, where actions could still potentially be used on an entire grouping?

This would be very useful to be able to apply an action to all of the records relating to that sub-group within a table. I was able to achieve something similar by adding an action anyway inside of the group which then iterated over that group and set the value in the backend, and then refreshed the table, but that's of course not ideal.

E.g. Let's say I want to set a date column for all of the rows in a group - if I had a single action at the group level which popped up a modal and prompted for input(s), then I could "Set the Value for All Rows Within Selected Group". This would be executed within the front-end only, which would allow the user to review before saving changes to the Backend/DB as well. If there are nested groups, the application would apply down to the lowest level of the hierarchy for all relevant rows.

Thank you for all of your great work on Retool!

Hi @JosephAmato,

We don't support this use case yet :disappointed: But thank you for sharing feedback on what you're looking to implement! I'll reach out if we ship any of the requests