🤖 👋 February Challenge: Sh[AI]ring what you’re building with AI!

Our AI challenge ends tomorrow! There's still time to post a feature request or show & tell by the end of day Friday (March 1st).

I wanted to give a shout out to @maillme for this awesome show & tell post: Adventures in green tech: How I hitchhiked my way to Retool and befriended AI in the quest for Sustainability Highly encourage everyone to take a look to learn more about Retool AI (..and materiality in sustainability reporting) :evergreen_tree:

Also, huge shout out to @stefancvrkotic for this informative, interactive show & tell post that can help enable folks developing in Retool, Retool AI Helper! :woman_technologist:t3: The blog post will show you how to quickly integrate with Retool AI in a super applicable way. ..it also happens to showcase the possibility of making a beautiful UI in Retool :sparkles:. Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who joined our AI Office Hours last week :robot: AI topics are still fair game for our regularly scheduled office hours too :grin: