Errors in new user's resources

Since yesterday, adding users started to fail on the moment the new user tries to access the invitation link. I suspect this is related to the empty resources and the error that occurs when listing/click them. Attached are images relating to these errors.

Could you help me to fix this problem?

Retool version: 3.24.1


@victoria, can you help me?

Hi @Doglas, the "Something went wrong" error may not be related to users not being able to sign up with the invitation link. From the second screenshot (thank you for attaching them :slightly_smiling_face:), it looks like the "All Users" group does not have the permission to interact with any of your resources. This is why when you click "Resources", it errors out. To fix this, go back to "Permissions," select the group "All Users", and click "Resources." Here we can choose which resources we would like to give access from the dropdown, or manually selecting from the checkboxes below.
Here is a screenshot to show how that should like:

To solve the issue with your users not being able to sign up with the invitation link, could you share the error they are seeing when they click the link? If it is not too much to ask, could you DM me the name of your organization? I would like to see if there is anything behind the scenes going on. :face_with_monocle:

Hello, @Paulo
Our resources for the "All Users" profile are populated, as you can see in the attached image. This bug is causing some errors in the user experience, but we resolved this by associating the "Editor" profile for them, which is not ideal.

About new user login issue, we have resolved it. The reason was Product Experience, this attribute was set to "embed" for some users, so they were unable to log in.

So, we temporarily resolved the issues, but it would be really good to fix the resource bug because, in order to work around the bugs, we are assigning the "editor" profile to users who shouldn't have it.


Thank for for sharing more details @Doglas!
I agree, it's definitely not ideal to give our viewers edit access. We found an existing bug report for this issue and we added your experience to it. I will keep you posted with any updates from the engineering team.

I'm sorry I misunderstood what was causing the bug and I'm glad to hear your users are able to sign up through the invite link now.

I got updates! :slightly_smiling_face:
The fix for this bug has been released to our production code queue. If you are on Retool Cloud, it should be out in the app soon, on Self Hosted Retool it may take a bit longer.

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Thanks, @Paulo

My case is Self Hosted, so, please, update me when it is fixed in this case too

Sounds great, you are welcome!

Hi @Doglas, this issue should be fixed on Self-Hosted Retool now. Please let me know if you are still running into it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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