User Attributes disappearing after user creation

Current plan level (Business)
Version of Retool (if self-hosted):

Question / Description:

Hi, we are using retool external apps and onboarding external users. We are relying on user attributes to identify some of them but we've noticed an error where despite adding the attributes, clicking on the tick mark, and creating the user, the attribute disappears after a while when we come back to double check

This experience is poor and we were able to replicate this issue a few times. Do let us know if this is a known issue that is currently worked on and to what extent it may disappear.

Just to confirm the same thing has happened to me and now I always double check if attributes persist after the invite was sent.

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Hi folks, we recently patched a bug for disappearing user attributes, available on Cloud Retool as of yesterday - please let us know if you continue to see this errant behavior.

Hey Albert, thanks for the information

Unfortunately we experienced it again yesterday around 5pm Singapore time. The attribute was there when we added it but disappeared shortly after we came back to check.

Hi @Alexis_Liu and @MiguelOrtiz :wave:

Have you ran into this since?

Hi Abbey,

I would not know as I have not added new external users since then and I am not sure what is the frequency of disappearance - eg. is this something I should look at every day or is it just something that happens immediately after I've added the user?


Hi Abbey,

I created a user last Monday and the same thing happened. After the invitation was sent the attributes were blanked and I had the add them again

Hey all,

Sorry you've been feeling this pain. I've landed some changes today that should hopefully address it. Reproing this exact scenario has been challenging on our end, though, so please do let me know if you continue to see it.


Hey Luke, I added new users today and unfortunately same issue keeps happening.

@MiguelOrtiz Would you be open to hopping on a call with me sometime this week? We're still struggling to repro this issue so I'm hoping we can figure out where it's breaking for you. Going to DM you.

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Same situation here. I set an user attribute in the invitation form. After making login with the invitation I checked the attribute and it wasn't saved

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A number of customers have mentioned experiencing the same problem where user attributes aren't saved properly and have to be manually re-entered and saved.

We've submitted an internal bug report for the engineering team to investigate further that has been linked to this conversation.

Apologies for the inconvenience. While we don’t have a timeline for a fix just yet, we’ll keep you updated on the status of the bug report as we learn more!

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