Customize branding in invite, password reset, etc. emails


I'm currently on business plan trying to change the branding idiom in emails and pages like user invite, password reset etc. such that my users can understand the invitation. Can i do such thing or only if i upgrade to enterprise and customize these workflows?


Currently i'm sitting on business plan and feeling the need to customize the branding emails. I can only do this with workflows in enterprise plan?
I want to call the api of my server sending the invitation/password reset urls to it and fully customize the email.

Hi, I'm currently on business plan trying to change the branding idiom in emails and pages like user invite, password reset etc. such that my users can understand the invitation. Can i do such thing or only if i upgrade to enterprise and customize these workflows?

Hi @Fernando_Correia!

If you want to customize the Retool Invite and Reset Password emails, you can do so with the Business and Enterprise plans:

This feature is Enterprise only:

If you want to just send regular emails using Retool Email, you can do so on any plan!

Let me know if have any questions :slight_smile: