[Charts V2] Line Chart - Combining series on a tooltip

Hey there,
Playing around with the new charts component.

I have a line chart that has 2 series:

For each series, I was able to customize (a bit) the tooltip when hovering the line:
Capture d’écran 2024-11-20 à 08.45.52
(basically adding € at the end of the value)

The data model is pretty simple, that's an array in which each row has:

  • a date
  • an amount, lets call it A
  • another amount which we call B

But when hovering the chart, I can't find out how to create a tooltip that could summarize A and B.
Tooltip will only display the series that's hovered.
Capture d’écran 2024-11-20 à 08.48.14

My goal is to achieve something similar to this (data wise forget about UI), where the tooltip shows A and B for the same date:
Capture d’écran 2024-11-20 à 08.48.56

I tried grouping series, played around, but did not find any workaround.

Any idea?


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+1 I am also trying to achieve this.