December 4, 2024, 10:43am
Any Retool team member have an idea around how hover-tooltips are handled and how to eventually combine series?
Those 2 topics cover the same question:
Hey there,
Playing around with the new charts component.
I have a line chart that has 2 series:
[Capture d’écran 2024-11-20 à 08.45.16]
For each series, I was able to customize (a bit) the tooltip when hovering the line:
[Capture d’écran 2024-11-20 à 08.45.52]
(basically adding € at the end of the value)
The data model is pretty simple, that's an array in which each row has:
a date
an amount, lets call it A
another amount which we call B
But when hovering the chart, I can't find o…
Recreate behavior from old chart showing custom data in hovertemplate. Also, if anyone knows how to use the old x unified hovertemplate please let me know.
I have tried adding it as an extra data series which didnt seem to work. I also tried accessing the underlying data from the tooltip in the series.
in the old plotly charts I used this
"x": {{get_sales_and_ad_by_day.data.week_number}},
"y": {{get_sales_and_ad_by_day.data.sales}},
"customdata": {{get_sales_and_…