Can't create app from Retool Templates

I've found this template it looks perfect start for as I help manage a community building.
However, regardless of how I try the app is not created either via clone or if I create a new account/org. Any chance of this being resolved

This a server side issue using chrome dev I can see:: Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, we were unable to generate a preview for this web page, because the following oEmbed / OpenGraph tags could not be found: description, image

Hi @iiLaw thanks for reaching out! I am looking into this internally (I'm seeing the same issue that you're reporting :disappointed:)

Tess thanks for looking into this.
But I think I was over optimistic as I think only the main page works.
I've tried a few other templates and that's how they behave.

Getting NFC on IOS working would be much more of priority for me.

Fair enough! They're reported to different teams, so both will be investigated

I have the same problem. Functioning templates would make it easier to get started. Can I download the templates manually somewhere?

I think I am also having the same issue.
Even templates I select don't function properly, such as page navigation isn't working, search as well.

Hi @Azathoth & @Tugi_Baasansuren which templates are you looking at? Are you also interested in the Facilities Management one?

I am facing 2 issues:

  1. "Create app from template" button leads to "Internal server error" on Retool Self-hosted instance.
  2. Number of templates I see are drastically lower than the ones I used to see in older version deployed in November 2023 (Can't recall the exact version number)

Templates that lead to the error: All of them
Self-hosted Retool version: 3.46.0-edge

Thanks @Gangeshwar_Krishnamurthy! Our team is looking into the issues you reported, so I'll let you know when it's resolved

We have two separate ways to use templates (from our website and within the product), and both have different bugs described above :disappointed:

Hi Tess,

I was looking at this, and when I clone it, the pages don't navigate, and the buttons don't work. I remember template clones used to work as shown.

Also, I am interested in the template.

Another question - In Template(Templates), when I click on the See a Live Demo button, there is no demo, and it only gives me the option to Try this in Retool.
It seems not all templates are like that.

Thanks for these details!

:thinking: I believe it's currently expected that the rest dashboard doesn't navigate to other pages; it can be used to showcase a sample app layout, rather than a production app.

In regards to the decrease in the number of templates, it looks like we spun down an outdated resource that some of our older templates were using and removed those templates

Our "starter apps" that are suggested in the bottom left corner of the app editor when you create a new app, are the most up-to-date templates. They have some functionality implemented, but still may not have things like navigation:

Another helpful resource is the tutorial in our docs: Web app tutorial | Retool Docs

For more of the live demo experience, I recommend checking out our YouTube channel for the recent build alongs :slight_smile:

Happy to help provide guidance on specific app use cases if the existing templates & starter apps don't quite fit what you're looking to create

Hello Tess, I'm hoping I can just hop into this thread and ask a related question since this is the only place I can see they're being mentioned. I see these "starter apps" when creating a new app and when I select one, I just get a blank app with my chosen organization's color and nothing else. The "Main" component is all I see, just a square. What could be happening?