Can we have the ability to change the column size in the Apps list, please?

Can you PLEASE give us a way to change the size of the columns here?

That first column is fine for some file names (like from 1982, when we only had 8 characters to name our files) - but there's no way to see what the names are because we can't adjust the column width of the "Name" column. AND there's no on-hover pop-up to show the full name!

The name of the first app is

The name of the 2nd app is

Clearly there names have been created to illustrate this, but we DO have lots of app folders and app names that run past the limit that I can't differentiate because of this problem.

And I've also tried the browser zoom option, but the UI stays the same. Here it is at 67%

Here it is at 150%

Please, PLEASE give us a way to change the column width or even see the full name on-hover.



Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us! I've submitted a feature request for this. I’ve added this thread to the request. That way, if there are any updates I will be pinged on my side and can immediately inform you here. Thank you for your assistance with this!

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