App blink effect after link click

Did you manage to fix that issue? Because I facing the same

No, I was thinking to try using a custom css to fix the issue but didn't have time to make some tests

I am facing the same issue. The issue comes in when a header is added to the app. The scroll to top was there already for weeks but now also the “blink” is there. Can we get rid of it with css?

@victoria @Tess any help on this?

Hi @Pennatool Thank you for sharing the public app example! As mentioned in Discord, I'm reaching out to our internal engineers about a fix


In the following topic I also discussed this with Franscisco_villareal:

It partly has to do with the header. Still there is a blink effect on the sidebar when no header is added to the apps.

Yes, also the sidebar blinks even if the header is not added

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Also experiencing the same on multiple projects. Came here for a solution. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon. :slight_smile:

Hello @Tess , I know you guys have more important fixes to work on but this issue is really annoying and makes the app feeling less professional. Do you have any time estimation for the resolution? Thanks!

This should be fixed :crossed_fingers: are you still seeing any issues?

@Tess still having the same issue unfortunately. You can check the public app example, should be able to reproduce. @jleem @LinoPino @bohdan_marchuk is it the same for you?

Yes, issue is still there ..

The issue has been fixed for me on both of the apps I had noticed it happening. Thanks!

@jleem are you sure? Can you test this and let me know if you see the issue?

Hi there, I see what you mean in the sample app still :disappointed: Apologies that the fix didn't fully resolve. Our team is chatting through next steps!

Now it seems that when the desktop header is hidden, there is a noticeable space at the top left, causing the sidebar to start lower instead of at the top: 0 position.

Hi @Pennatool I haven't been able to reproduce this yet :thinking:

Can you share more screenshots of the component settings (or an app export)

Do you mean the app header or the sidebar header?

Yes, you can review it in the public app.

Notice that it's not related to the sidebar header; rather, when the app header on desktop is hidden, there is an empty space at the top of the sidebar.

It seems that the issue has worsened. When clicking on the sidebar, the entire sidebar disappears and everything reloads, even if there are no queries or anything similar that need to be loaded.

:+1: thanks! I'm able to reproduce it on our side now. Will keep you posted about a fix

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