WYSIWYG Markdown and HTML Editor

Hey Retool community :wave:!

I have seen over the past year or so a number of requests for a WYSIWYG editor. Hopefully an improvement to the native rich text editor component is on the way, but in the mean time I built a quick library that has a Markdown and HTML editor, implementing the amazing CKEditor 5 project. Since I couldn't find many other custom components publicly available that have both a Markdown and HTML editor, I figured I would release this here.

Image support (html editor):

HTML Source view:

Markdown Editor (has limited features, as markdown is more limited than html):

Hopefully this is helpful to someone! This will in theory allow any CKEditor 5 plugin (it can do basically anything) without much editing. If you need any help, or have any feature requests / ideas I would encourage you to contribute, or reach out and I can try and help / implement for you!

Github Link: GitHub - jamesg31/retool-wysiwyg-editor: WYSIWYG Markdown and HTML Editor for Retool


This is excellent, but I'd add a note of caution for anyone looking to use CKEditor5 in their application to make sure they review the licence agreement, as the commercial option can get quite expensive.

Great point - yes indeed take caution and do your own research. From my understanding and research (I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice), CKEditor 5 can be licensed under either GNU GPL 2+ or a commercial license. In this case, this project is using only open source features of CKEditor 5 and the "Powered by CKEditor" message is shown, therefore it is completely legal to use in commercial projects.

And to clarify, this project is not a fork or modification of CKEditor, it is simply an implementation of CKEditor in a Retool Custom Component.

Let me know if I am incorrect in any of this!

Yes, that all sounds correct to me - I'm also not a lawyer :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing! :hammer_and_pick: