@Tess I have tried to delete and re-create a block and had the same issue. I've also been able to create 10 different workflows from scratch that have the same issue.
Incognito mode made no difference.
I've also tried to use an API call to a web hook to call the downstream workflow and I got a similar error to the one I showed you last Thursday at office hours when I try to just do everything in one workflow.
Error evaluating callDoStuffRest_lambda: Resource 'JavascriptQuery' has either been renamed, deleted, or does not exist in staging. Please select a different resource.
Hey @Tess,
sorry for the late response. I have been travelling the past days.
I just spun up a complete new workflow doing the exact same things. It seems that the parsing of the loop now works correctly. Not sure what the cause was, but this is working. Strangely though, I realized that passing in hard coded values now shows the exact same behaviour as before. For example, I am passing for {"from": "example@example.com, ...} and the output shows an empty object. I was able to work around this, but I am confident that this will soon come up at another end.
Our team is still investigating this bug & I'll post here with any updates. For the time being, we seem to have found a temporary workaround, as described here