Workflow Error but Workflow still "Pending"

So I have a workflow (A) that calls another workflow (B). This morning (about an hour ago) A failed at the step that called B. It failed after 2:10 minutes and then when A was re-run, B failed after 2:36 minutes.

So a couple of oddities here:

  1. The step in A should have timed out (& failed) after 10s - why the additional 2+ minutes?
  2. Both invocations of B are still "Pending", showing a duration of 0ms on the logs and no other info to enable analysis as to what has gone wrong. No logs at all:

How do I move forwards from here please?!?

BTW with yesterday being a Bank Holiday here in the UK, I would have expected this workflow to have nothing to actually process and therefore complete very quickly once all the checks came back as such.

Hi @mawdo81 This is a bug that our team is looking into :confused:

They're actively working on a fix, and we're hoping to have it ship within a week or so. I'll reach back out when I have an update

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Hi @Tess - did this ship? I have a workflow sitting in "Pending" right now, and not sure what can be done to force it to complete (error out is fine at this point...).

Hi @jg80

I just checked in and it sounds like the fix actually already shipped. When did this workflow get triggered? Could you share some screenshots? The fix will only resolve this issue from happening moving forward, so any workflows triggered before the fix will be stuck in the pending state.

Triggered last night - it threw back an "internal server error" but that was it. Logs don't show anything:

I'm actually refactoring and changing up the approach, so not any sort of a critical show-stopper. Just would be good to know if I can do something to avoid the issue in the future (though perhaps the shipped fix will do that for me...).