Workflow using Retool Storage resource fails when triggered via HTTP request, but runs properly when triggered manually or from another workflow

We're running into an issue with Retool Storage in a workflow that is currently set up to use our staging environment. All resources (database & API resources) have been set up for the staging environment, except for the Retool Storage resource.

Is there any way to configure Retool Storage for environments other than production?

  • Details: When triggering the workflow manually (or from within another workflow), it runs properly. But when running via HTTP request, we're getting the error below.

  • Error: {"success":false,"error":"Your workflow contains resources that are not configured for environment staging: retool_storage","message":"Your workflow contains resources that are not configured for environment staging: retool_storage"}

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Unfortunately this is a bug on our end. We will try to resolve this in some time, but the workaround here is to use production until the fix is in.


Ran into the same issue, good to know it's a known bug.