Resource environments are not working

  • Goal: Modify on single environment on retool resources has a BUG

  • Steps:

  1. create production environment and set API URL and some headers keys
  2. create a staging environment and set different API URL and other headers keys

go to retool > resources > select one resource > select environment production and so some changes

  • button save is disabled

  • the change I do in production environment is automatically saved

  • go to staging environment, it have the same changes that I did in production environment

  • Do some changes on staging environment (it automatically saved), go to production environment, it is copying the staging changes

  • Details:

  • Screenshots:

  • App json export:

Great catch. I am seeing this issue on my side as well. It looks like the team is already aware of this issue, so I've added this description to the existing bug ticket. We'll get back to you here when we resolve the bug! We're sorry for the inconvenience, and hope this doesn't disrupt your building too much :smile:

I wanted to followup on this, since I'm encountering the exact same issue. I'm trying to setup a production and staging environment for an API endpoint. It seems the endpoint itself is being saved, but the headers are not saving properly across the environments.

Hi @JeffK, are we on Cloud or Self-hosted? If Self-hosted, what version?

This issue has been fixed! :sunglasses: