Staging environment is disabled because of retool_db

  • Goal:

Trying to switch between "staging" & "production" environments on Dashboard application which uses two data connections:

  1. DynamoDB
  2. Retool Database
  • Steps:

When I view my app, the staging environment option is not even aviable but when click on "Edit app" I can see that there is a "staging (disabled)" option. And when I hover over it, it says that

The staging environment is disabled because the following resource doesn't have a configuration: "retool_db". You can configure it on the Resources page.

And when I click on the Resource page, and go to Retool Database and try to switch to "staging" environment there, I get a prompt that says "Create database for staging environment" but I can not click on any of the buttons.

As far as I know, the Retool Database should be managed by you? That is how I understood the documentation.

We moved from "Free" to "Teams" plan today, if that is of any help. I sent an email to support as well with details about my organization if you can have a look as this looks like an internal problem?

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Having this same issue today, but am on the business plan. When I go to my retool database, I look to switch environments, the same thing happens to me. It wants me to add a host, but doesn't allow me to use the connection sting on my retool db. Help would be appreciated.

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Thanks for reporting this! This was a bug that should be fixed now. Please let us know if you are still seeing the issue.