Variable publicIpAddress doesn't fail gracefully

I am not sure why

publicIpAddress=$(dig +short fails, but it does and the output is just added to docker.env

$ ./docker_setup 
Hi! I'm here to help you set up a self-hosted Retool.

Just one question: Do you have a fully qualified domain pointed at your Retool server?

This is an optional question. If you have a domain that points to your Retool server, the installation scripts can request a Let's Encrypt HTTPS certificate for you automatically. If you do not provide one, a self-signed certificate will be used instead.

If you have just created a new cloud server in previous steps, now is a good time to point your fully qualified domain to your server's public address. Make sure the fully qualified domain resolves to the correct IP address before proceeding.

Please type your fully qualified domain below. Press enter to skip.
Enter it here: (default is your public ip address: ;; communications error to connection refused
;; communications error to connection refused
;; communications error to connection refused
;; communications error to ::#53: connection refused
;; no servers could be reached) 
Cool! Now add your license key in docker.env then run docker-compose up to launch Retool.
$ dig +short
;; communications error to connection refused
;; communications error to connection refused
;; communications error to connection refused
;; communications error to ::#53: connection refused
;; no servers could be reached

The error message ends up in docker.env

I don't know whether the issues are related, but, the JWT token is written on multiple lines and consequently docker compose up fails

$ docker compose up
failed to read /home/david/docker/retool/retool-orig/retool-onpremise/docker.env: line 8: unexpected character "/" in variable name "mQ6kVQypJfLgPDCNRiGLH7QEhCa2o3hhUEjzfMUAev6DNyfjR1Emb/rd4VZdsBR+z9crbXj/cGnW"

Hey @dakes! I don't believe that the JWT_SECRET should be a factor here, though you do want to make sure there aren't any newlines in that key.

Are you still seeing the error? Where is the server that is supposed to be running Retool hosted?

Hi Joe,

I corrected the generated docker.env manually.

I am running Retool on my Laptop in a VM:

Windows 10 Pro --> VirtualBox 7.0.12--> Ubuntu 22.04 --> Docker version 24.0.5-->Retool 3.24.9

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And is Retool running properly with the updated docker.env file, or are you still seeing connection errors?

I went through the tutorial and tried a few different components and queries and as far as I can tell everything works as it should.

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Great, glad it's working for you. I'll submit a report for the errors being copied into the docker.env file. Thanks for the update!