Error: request to http://localhost:3002/api/testConnection failed

Hello, we recently upgraded our self-hosted Retool to v3.14.1. We are now seeing this error on a few operations within the UI:

Error: request to http://localhost:3002/api/testConnection failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED

We are using docker-compose on a single AWS EC2 instance. docker-compose logs does not show any useful information beyond the error pasted above.

At your request I can post a copy of docker-compose.yaml, docker.env, Dockerfile, or anything else you may need.


Bumping my post, seeking advice on areas to troubleshoot, logs to inspect, configuration to review, etc. Thank you

Hey @reeeeetool, can you share what actions cause this? Is there functionality that breaks due to this error?

Can you share the specs of the EC2 instance? Size, CPU and MEM allocations?

Thanks @joeBumbaca for the help

  1. EC2 instance is a t3.xlarge, which gives you 4 vCPUs and 16GB RAM
  2. I've been hearing from my team that this is reproducible in a few areas. Personally, myself, I am able to reproduce the error by going to a database resource at /resources and hitting Test connection button.
  3. If you need more info, I can ask my team on more ways to reproduce the problem
  4. If I was not clear in the original post, this seems to have started after updating from v2 to v3.14.1.

@reeeeetool Sorry for the delay here. Are you using an ssh tunnel on this resource? Did some digging and it's possible this is resolved in a later patch version of 3.14. Are you able to update to 3.14.14 and give that a test?

Thank you @joeBumbaca , your suggestion worked. Upgraded to v3.14.15 and problem is now resolved. Thank you so much

And yes, we are using an SSH proxy

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Great! Glad to hear it @reeeeetool!