Unexpected missing line breaks in text box in utils.downloadpage

I am downloading a bunch of apps through utils.downloadpage and I noticed that line breaks in text boxes disappear, which cuts of part of the text at the end of the textbox. See here first a screenshot of the app itself:

And here a screenshot of the downloaded pdf:

Would love to hear whether this is expected behaviour, or if there is a way to fix this.
Thank you!

Flagged to the team internally! I'll reach out if we ship a fix for this bug! In the meantime, my best suggestion is using the editable text area instead

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Hi Tess, any update on this? It's not really feasible for us to switch to editable text area, and I hoped there would have been a fix by now.

No updates yet :disappointed: Another option would be spinning up your own custom component

Hi Tess, I also have this issue. Has there been a fix since?


Nope.. I ended up switching to the editable text area

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