Tooltip Divider Component Not Showing

While I can appreciate the ability to add a divider and add some text on top of it, the tooltip does not do anything. I cannot see it when I hover my cursor over the line or the label.

Hello @emozio!

Thank you for giving me an excuse to test out the divider :sweat_smile:

I was just about to record a video of me testing out two divider components displaying their tooltips fine but now one of them will randomly not work while the other one will and they keep switching which works on hover :cold_sweat:

At first I thought that the sizing might be the issue but it seems to switch randomly and apply to both. I will file a bug report for this!

Allright, well fingers crossed. It's not a huge deal, but I thought I'd share it nontheless. :wink:

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Engineer got back to me on this!

Adding any text to the divider will drastically increase the size of the hover area that triggers the tool tip display.

The default size with no text is really tiny so if you prefer to not have any text, the other option would be re-sizing the divider to make it bigger.