Support for Firestore multiple databases - connect to database besides default

We're using multiple Firestore databases for our product, but the Firestore Resource seems to connect only to the "(default)" database. Is there a way to specify the database name?


We are facing the exact same issue... would be super helpful to find a workaround here!

Is it possible to use query Firestore using a different database name? It usesdefault. I didn't see a field where I can specify a different value. If not, any idea if it's on the roadmap? I'm using a hosted Retool instance 3.24.8

Welcome to the community @Mircea_Pasoi @Noahch! Thanks for chiming in here with this feature request. And @joew appreciate your recent post expressing interest in the same thing -- I've merged your topic here to consolidate the interest. I can definitely see how expanding this functionality would be really useful for many use cases leveraging data hosted in Firestore.

Right now we have an existing feature request logged for our engineering team, but it's not currently on the roadmap. I've just added these three +1s to that internal request to convey the added interest you all expressed! We'll keep updating here with anything new.

Hello, it's been a few months. I wanted to check back in on this feature request. Thanks!

Hi @joew, no updates on this feature yet. I found internally that one of our customers tried a workaround with multiple REST APIs, but no success. They've reached out to Google Cloud directly to ask about a potential workaround. I'll let you know once they respond. On the meantime, I've added your +1 to the FR.

I'm curious about this as well - ran into a blocker today on this.

Hi @Jim_Caldwell, we reached out to our customer asking for the response of GCP but they never got back to us. Please let us know if you get more context from them.

I added your +1 to the FR. :slightly_smiling_face:

this is a major blocker for us as well. are there any known workarounds?


Hi @dodles and @chirhotec, welcome to the forum! :wave:
We haven't found any workarounds yet. I added your +1s to the internal FR, we'll update you here with any news.

We would also like to use Retool, but this issue is a major blocker for us as well. No workarounds yet?

Hi @Dragos_Bilaniuc, welcome to the forum!
No updates in the last 7 days. I just bumped this internally and will update you here if there's any movement on this feature request.

Hi, just created an account to say this is a must, without it the firestore integrations is useless to me, and most others devs out there as I'm sure no one will use the "(default)" database to store their data.
And it's pity since otherwise retool looks very promising as a tool to help my non dev coworkers interact with the database.

Hi @james.t.packer, welcome to the forum! :wave:

Thanks for your feedback! We've passed it along internally.

Any update on this? As for many others, this is critical for us and it would be great to see a solution here.

In case you're using the firebase admin SDK internally, it's straightforward to select a database, e.g.

const defaultDB = getFirestore();
const otherDB = getFirestore("otherdb");

so maybe there's a simple way to add this?

Hi @jbc, no updates yet. I added your +1 to the internal request.

any movement on this yet? Its been killing us trying to work around it

Hi @dodles, this feature is not currently on the roadmap. I've added your +1 internally and will share any updates here as they become available.

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Hi @Paulo, this is much needed feature by us as well. We would like to use other database for internal configs so we don't bloat customer facing database with internal configs.

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