Curious: Retool Database GDPR prospect


The company I work for is EU based, so the GDPR is in force. I am actually pretty satisfied with using the Retool Database, however it is not yet GDPR complient so we need to store elsewhere.
Out of curiousity; I was wondering if Retool has any intention to set up a build in database structure for EU users?

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We need a European Retool location. Also for SPEED. I know we already have Retool outbound region for queries. Thats a great start! :pray:

+1 for EU-compliant database!

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Yes please! My team has changed the "Default Retool outbound region for queries" to "eu-central-1", and it made a big difference to the snappiness of our apps :heart:

I was a little saddened when I created a new Retool DB that it's seemingly located in "us-west-2" - understandable, but it would be great to have it be in the same region!!

@oles. I agree. We also need the databases to be in Europe. This is critical for the deployment of our apps. Its simply against the EU-rules to deploy an app where the data is NOT stored in the EU..

Thank you Retool dev's! :pray:

Hello everyone! Thanks for asking this, the focus for the launch was for the US region but it's definitely something worth revisiting. I've brought it up with the dev team and linked an internal ticket here that we can report back on :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you @Kabirdas! For us, EU'ers, its very important.
I think Retool should just have a Retool Cloud Region Setting!



Hello :slight_smile:
Any update on this?

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Hey @Tess, any updates on this?



Hello everyone! :wave:
We've added all your +1s. Although there currently are no updates, we are happy to keep collecting your feedback. :memo:

+1 :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Pedro_Marban, welcome to the forum! :wave:
Just added your +1 to the FR. :slightly_smiling_face:

+1 to the FR -- for multiple potential clients this is a dead-on-arrival concern when talking to them.

+1 on this feature, i actually thought this was something that was already possible as this is such a common requirement these days and had not even thought to check before now. Very critical for any serious adoption of the platform for us, as a EU based company. :slight_smile: