Submenus in Retool Brand don't appear correctly


Does this problem only appear for me? They appear in half size.

Hi @edurmush!

I'm not able to reproduce this :thinking: Are you still seeing this issue? If so, I'm wondering if there's some custom css on the app or your org that is impacting this functionality?

Hello @Tess,

My other organization does not have this problem. I have the same problem when I clear custom CSS.

Hi @edurmush Are both environments on the same version #?

Hi @Tess They are both on the cloud.

Hi @edurmush I'm finally able to repro internally :pray: Apologies for the delay -- it seems oddly inconsistent. Will keep you posted on a solution!

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Thank you for your interest and time. I'm sure it will be resolved soon.

Hi @edurmush :wave:

The fix for this bug should be in one of our next few stable releases :slight_smile:.

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