Retool Header Still Visible on User Mode

I was trying to deploy my app and I realised that the Retool Header was still occupying the space and appeared as a grey bar. May I know is this normal?

Also contacted support for the issue but did not get a helpful reply so far. Checked and confirmed that I did not have any custom CSS added in the App and Org settings. I wonder what else could cause this issue...

@terrywong are you embedding Retool into another app or using the ?_embed=true URL parameter (as documented here)?

@alex I'm not embedding or using the parameter.

Hey @terrywong — I was able to reproduce this locally and have linked a bug report to this thread so we can keep you up to date as a fix is merged. Thanks for flagging this!

I just wanted to update this thread real quick, our engineering team was able to ship a fix for this that should now be live! :slight_smile: